2. Argent

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From the moment I stepped into the building I knew she was here. Her citrus perfume scent filling my almost frozen nose, warming it up with the delight of being so close to meeting her. I had walked into the main office knowing that she'd be in there, plus I needed my schedule. When I had caught her attention, she'd given me the 'late student fill-out sheet'. That gave me a bit of a laugh.

Anyways, now we are in second period, which is art. Apparently, Miss Amy here has second period with me anyways. In art, today, we have to sketch a living creature in it's natural habitat. Amy seemed to be sketching a Bald Eagle with a canyon like background. I started to sketch a wolf pack with the woods, a lake, and a grassy field as it's background. The full moon showing that it's night and it's reflection in the water. At the end of class, the teacher made us show our sketches to our partner next to us. Amy's sketch was absolutely amazing.

"Wow, Amy...! You are an awesome artist!" I exclaim silently, so I don't interrupt anyone or get in trouble.

"Yours is better," she smiles as she tries to hide her awe.

The bell rings.

"Time for third hour," she says in a not so happy tone.

"Why don't you like third hour?" I ask curiously.

"Well, I don't like your third hour. I'm not a fan of history. It's my worst subject. I can't help you in it."

"That's no problem. History's easy for me."

"Kk. Good."

Throughout all of third period, I couldn't stop looking at her. Damn I fancy her a lot. More than a lot. If I had a ring right now, I would kneel down on one knee and ask her to marry me already. My only hope, then, would be her saying yes.

Third period ends and we start heading over to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Are you hungry too?" asks the lunch lady in a joking tone.

"Yes ma'am," I reply with an afterthought of 'for the beauty over there, if you know what I mean.'

We both order our food and I follow her over to a table without anyone sitting at it.

"So... What do you-" I start before being interrupted.

"Hey, cutie," he says, directing the comment towards Amy. MY Amy. Which almost makes me growl. "Miss me?"

"I saw you yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that!" Amy practically yells. "How could I miss a douche like you?! I'm happy to go home because you aren't allowed at my house anymore! My parents hate you and I, for sure, do too! Now stop being your puppy dog self and fend off evil for another innocent, because I know I'm not innocent!"

"Come on babe," he says as he starts to wrap his arms around her to hug her. "Don't be that way."

"She said to go away!" I growl out.

I swear, my eyes flashed to their other color.

"And you are...?" he angrily demands.

"The bitch that's about to slit your throat open if you don't leave my friend the hell alone," I threaten.

"Oh you wanna go?"

"No. I'm pretty sure your the one that wants to go. Unless I've mistaken you with a guy who was a naughty little boy that wanted his butt to be kicked and served to himself then being thrown across the room," I state as he looks at me with fear in his eye. I smirk, "You choose which person you want to be."

He lets go of her as he pouts like a child and walks off in a defeated demeanor. I watch him for about a minute, anger running like a stampede through my veins as I try to calm my shaking body.

"Thanks," Amy tells me.

Her voice calms me down and I'm able to find enough of my voice to say 'you're welcome'.

She looks up at me, "Are you okay? You're shaking like a seven point three earthquake!"

She runs to my side and hugs me, which makes me giggle, "I'm fine, Amy. This is just how my body reacts to being pissed off."

"You had a look in your eyes, as if you wanted to murder someone."

"Like I said, I was pissed."

"You got that pissed off of something that jerk does to me pretty much everyday?"

"Yeah... I guess I did."

"That's pretty cute and sweet," she states as if not paying attention to what she's saying. "I mean... um... no one's ever uh... done that or reacted like that for me... or about me..."

"Do you wear blush?"


"I was starting to think you did because you've seemed to have had that cute little tint to your cheeks all day."

"Stop it!" she giggles as she blushes more.

I chuckle as we start eating our lunches, talking to each other between bites.

As we head off into the hallway, going to fourth period, I realize that we are walking with less distance between us. We reach the language arts room and sit in our seats, waiting for class to begin.

During fourth period, I see how excellent minded my True Mate is. What? You don't know what a True Mate is? Oh... Right... I never exactly explained the fact that I'm a werewolf.

Well, I'm more like a shapeshifter that can only shift into one wolf and that wolf is connected to me all the time. Isn't that awesome? And annoying... but awesome right?!

Anyways, a True Mate is the mate for a werewolf of my kind. Our species of werewolves is most known as Wolf Shifters. I hope you're over the fact the I'm a supposed 'Big Bad Wolf' of sorts 'cause I'm really not. Yes, I have to be big and bad considering I'm next in line to be the Alpha, also known as the leader, of my wolf pack. But, if I'm honest, I'm very gentle at heart. That is, until you mess with what is mine. I can be very, very, VERY possessive over what rightfully belongs to me.

Fourth period ends and we leave the class room.

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