Bad choice for the league

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The league had decided that a simulation was to be tested by young justice it was set so they would think it was all real but young justice didn't know that.(if you've seen all of young justice then you know what I'm talking about)so the young team is starting to wake up from the simulation

The team slowly wake up

Wally(we-what happ-happen?)
Flash-(wow kid calm down)
Green arrow-(it was just a simulation)

The batman explains the rest
young justice is shocked

Megan immediately sets up a mind link with the rest of her team Meagan's crying gripping super boy like he would leave her any second,robin sat there very upset,artimise looked confused,Conner looked like he was going to kill some one, Wally was so shocked that he couldn't move

Mind link chat
Wally -so it was fake but it was so real.
Artimise-I can't believe they they just did that.
Wally-maybe my uncle and dad are alike.
Megan-Wally don't say that that you dad abused you not your uncle
Wally -my uncle abused me mentally more than my dad could ever do physically and that hurt a lot.
Kaldur-my king I actually trusted him we trusted them
Robin- they just did it! we never got told that it was all fake
They betrayed us they stood their and watched us.we trusted them!we trusted them!we'll apparently that was a huge mistake!
Megan-it's true it's all true but why would they do that
Conner-as long as we are still loyal to them then they'll keep doing it
Kaldur-superboy is right we must leave
Robin-and there is a certain bat I wanna end
Conner-they hurt Megan and my team

Superboy is so feed up with this he takes metal slab that we was laying on for the experiment and curls it into a ball than he throws it the wall leaving a crater sized dent.wally runs up to the league

Wally(umm I'm starving so can we leave now)
After batman dismisses the league
Wally speeds out into the kitchen
Artimise walks out with a few tears while gripping her bow
Megan flys out silently crying
Super boy walks out close behind balling up his fist till they turn white and he still looks like he's going to kill someone
Robin behind him glaring at everything

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