Then after all the the bags were full and everything was ready.roy appeared from the zetabean. Sadly green arrow was near by.
Green arrow-what Roy what are doing here
Roy-the names red arrow and I'm here for the ex-sidekicks.
Green arrow-huh
Roy just kept on arrow had a horrible feeling that he knew were Roy was going.

Eventually Roy got to where the others were he walked in the mountain living room/kitchen. All of the young justice team was staring at him
They grabbed bags and silently walked out red arrow with them then they had made it to the zeta teams one by one they left till finally only artimise Roy robin and Wally were left.
Roy-um my little team is already made up of red hood and Cheshire I'm not sure if y'all are comfortable with that but you can leave whenever the league has stopped looking for you.
Artimise chocked out a thx to him then left Roy then looked around to find green arrow chasing after them
Green arrow-hey you kids aren't allowed to leave bats orders
At those words robin sharply walked out Wally following after him.roy was leaving too but he turned around at the last minute.
Roy-you pushed those kids over the edge now your gonna pay.
Green arrow pleaded with him-you can't let them do this Roy
Roy-first of all the names red arrow and secondly I wouldn't be able to stop them anyways.
With that said Roy left

We changedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora