Part 5!

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Part 5 of the story of Neptune is here! I don't know why it took so long but I will work on the requested reading when I don't feel like writing the main story! Anyways we are going to put the Mars, Earth and Iris thing on hold, next up....... Read for yourself to find out!!!!

Uranus POV:

I haven't seen Neptune in days... It kind of worries me... well- maybe just a little bit worried- not really though... uh... moving on! I just wanna know where-

The second Uranus is explaining himself to-well him, a blue ocean looking planet comes out of nowhere. Which brings Uranus to start to question who is going to come out at this very moment. Then all of a sudden, the planet takes a cloth, and yes out of nowhere. Then covers Uranus' mouth to not cause a panic, yes even though he is big, the rest of the planets are dumb. Uranus wakes up in a white room, yes, I know how did they get a white room in space?!? Well... just deal with it! Anyways... the blue planet then reveals itself to the cyan planet which leaves Uranus in shock....

Uranus: Mate?!?!

Neptune: Hey there!

Uranus: Mate why did you tie me up and did you have to bring me into a white room?

Neptune: Yep!

Uranus: How did you even...- nevermind, untie me this isn't funny mate

Neptune: oh~ you thought that I was going to untie you?~

Uranus: yeah...? Is something wrong mate?

Neptune: Oh... everything is perfect with you here~

Uranus: That's not what I-

Warning! If you don't like the um... sexial thing (Don't mind the misspelling) Please skip or stop reading... and go to the next page... if there is one

Before Uranus said anything else Neptune took Uranus body closer to his, making their lips touch each other. Neptune quickly opened Uranus' mouth, having a little too much fun.... Slowly touching his body. (Don't blame me! This is my first time writing this thing). Soon Neptune removed his tongue from Urauns mouth, Uranus being confused, started to ask Neptune why he was even doing this. Till Uranus got a slight taste of.......

Uranus: Neptune...

Neptune: yes~

Uranus:Are you drunk?

Neptune: What Are YoU EvEn TaLkInG ABout~?

Uranus: Mate....

Neptune: YeS~?

Uranus: untie me and we could fix you up

Neptune: hmm......nope!

Uranus: Neptune you need-

Sadly, Neptune didn't listen.... He pulled Uranus to him, undressing himself and Uranus. Uranus was embarrassed and tried to untie the rope, he was caught off guard so Neptune took Uranus hands, and shoved his d!ck into him. Uranus screamed loudly, thankfully no one heard, because there was just too much going on. (totally not a spoiler ) Moving on, Neptune also started to bite Uranus' neck, which made him moan even louder.

Uranus: Aaa~ ma- mate! N-....AA~

Neptune: StLl waNt Me stOp?~

Uranus: no-Aa~ keep- ah!... going....~

Neptune: GoOd~ bUt

Uranus: but- what~?

Neptune: CaLl mY NamE ouT~

Uranus: wha-

Neptune:shhh~ I'll onLy cOntiNue If yOu dO as I sAy~


Neptune: gO oN~

Uranus: ma-mate

Neptune: Call mY ReAl nAmE~

Uranus: Ne- Neptune!

Neptune: I cAn'T hEaR yOu~

Uranus: Neptune!

Neptune: hmm?

Uranus: you- can continue~.....

Neptune: that's how I like it~

Yep! If you guessed it or maybe not.... Anyways.... Neptune started to go faster moving Uranus back and forth, everytime he did this Uranus let out a really loud moan. Then Uranus felt something was coming.... I think you all know what that is....

Uranus: ma-mate~

Neptune: yEs~?

Uranus: I- I think I'm going to cum~

Neptune: what should you say~

Uranus: could I please cum~?

Neptune: you may~

Basily Neptune fucked Uranus for.... I don't know, but it was a lot. Neptune fell asleep on the white floor, while he was sleeping Uranus untied himself and put clothes on both him and Neptune. Then Uranus fell asleep with Neptune, I am very new to this kind of writing, so I very sorry to people who wanted more. As for Neptune, who hated Uranus, now had this weird feeling in his heart.....and he liked it.

Ok, this is the end of the "thing" I just wrote. Also, I think I am going to write the next part? But I am not really sure.... because I am really lazy so.... We'll see!

Words counted: 679

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