Part 6!

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Y'all really think that I was going to give you the next part of Earth, Mars, and Iris right? NAH! I am going to give a story about Jupiter and Saturn, and what they were doing, not sus, I mean it, let's just get on with the next part! Also there will be Jupiter x Saturn but I think you already knew that huh? But NO slut today, because I am not really good at writing that kind of stuff.... But don't worry there will be more! LATER THOUGH!

Jupiter's POV:

I thought I looked through every book but everytime there's a new book, waiting to be readed. I started at this for quite a while, I'm still questioning (yes this is a real word, i searched it up just in case). Where do these books even come from? Why can I even speak? Is there more to the solar system than I think? Is the new planet even trust worthy? Is He coming back? Where are Neptune and Uranus? (oh don't worry Jupiter they are having the time of their lives). Where are my moons? Is Saturn even coming back? Will the sun notice and start throwing solar flares at us? What happened to-

Saturn: Jupiter!

Jupiter: huh...?

Saturn: I was calling for the past 10 hours!

Jupiter: oh.... Sorry about that.....

Saturn: Are you okay?

Jupiter: what do you mean?

Saturn: You sound tired....

Jupiter: nothing to worry about

Saturn: if you say so.... But if there is anything, just tell, okay?

Jupiter: yeah... I will

Saturn: soooooo, uh what are you reading?

Jupiter: oh- I'm reading this book called "The Lost World"! (yes this is a book, look online)

Saturn: oh, may I see it?

Jupiter: you sure? A lot of times people get bored at the books I read....

Saturn: oh no! I won't get bored!

Jupiter: Are you sure you're not going to fall asleep?

Saturn: um... I don't know about that, but I won't get bored!

Jupiter: ok I'll start reading then....

Yep! Saturn fell asleep. But where you may ask? On Jupiter. Saturn wasn't bored though he was just tired. Back toooooooooooooo Jupiter's POV!

Jupiter's POV:

As I was on the last page of the story, Saturn suddenly collapsed, I checked if he was still breathing. Thankfully he was, I started at Saturn and this weird feeling was back again. I shaked my head hoping it would get rid of this "feeling", but it didn't work. While Saturn was sleeping he kissed me. I thought that he was just sleepwalking, but he said my name in his sleep. I think it was maybe because of the book? I don't know. Maybe I'm overthinking this... yeah-

Saturn: Jupiter...?

Jupiter: huh?!

Saturn: Did I scare you?

Jupiter: yeah a little bit...

Saturn: is there something on your mind or....

Jupiter: No! Nothing at all!

Saturn: really because you have really been in deep thought...

Jupiter: I don't know... I-I just am thinking about life! I guess...

Saturn: And what about life?

Jupiter: I was thinking about this feeling I have for someone...

Saturn: and?

Jupiter: I don't know how to deal with it, I guess...

Saturn: hmm.... I could help you.... But...

Jupiter: But what?

Saturn: we need to fix a few things1

Jupiter: like?

Saturn: you have to stop worrying so much!

Jupiter: ho-how does it have to do with this?

Saturn: you see how your words aren't coming out the way you want to?

Jupiter: yeah...?

Saturn: well if you want to confess to them, you need to start talking better!

Ok, I am REALLY tired. So I will just give you a summary of what happened. Because for some reason, the words got deleted........cried enough about me. Saturn teaches Jupiter how to speak well, in this process Jupiter never really listened to what he was saying he was only staring at him. Till the part when he tells him how to confess to the person whom he has feelings with.

Saturn POV:

I'm a bit sad that he has feelings for another person, I worked really hard for him to see enough, and to realize how much he meant to me. The only reason I am helping him right now, is because I just want him to be happy, if he is, then I will carry on and live my life.

Saturn: And... that's all you need to know about confessing!

Jupiter: I think I learned a lot! Thanks!

Saturn: anytime! Now gp confess to them!

Jupiter: what-

Saturn: you need to confess to them before it is too late!

Jupiter: ok here I go...

Saturn: why are you standing in front of me...?

Jupiter: Saturn....

Saturn: something wrong...?

Jupiter: The person who I have feelings for is you....

Saturn: what?

Jupiter: I like you Saturn!

Saturn: ...

Jupiter: it's fine if you don't like me... I just wanted to get this off my chest...

Satun: I also like you...

Jupiter: you do too?!

Saturn I was helping you so you could be happy..... But I didn't know that you would-

Here comes the fun part! Jupiter holds Saturn close for a kiss, the two hold the kiss for about 5 seconds. To them it was like it lasted for a really long time! (I'M TIRED LET ME BE!!!!) After that, the two stare at each other, knowing that they are always right next to each other.

Soooo, did you enjoy it? I hope you did, anyways thanks for reading this part! Oh and this is not the end! Of the story I mean. Jupiter and Saturn's part will come later! I made this at 8:15 p.m... I am somehow tired..... Anyways byeeeeeeeeee!

Words counted: 892

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