new hell

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(after 1 hour I wake up seeing my friend sleeping I slowly go to sakshi and pat her shoulder)
Muskan:sakshi.. sakshi wake up
(Then sakshi wake up and see manjot and khushboo)
Sakshi: manjot khusboo wake up wake up *seeing where we are*
(Then manjot or khusboo wake up)
Manjot: where we are *start crying*
*Then someone enter*

Name:kim taehyung Nature: sometimes act like psyco,but have a kind heart, his smile is like a candyBusiness: mafia bossSiblings:Jin , jungkook***********Back to story*************(Then tae look at crying manjot then he walk towards her)Tae: Barbie...

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Name:kim taehyung
Nature: sometimes act like psyco,but have a kind heart, his smile is like a candy
Business: mafia boss
Siblings:Jin , jungkook
***********Back to story*************
(Then tae look at crying manjot then he walk towards her)
Tae: Barbie doll what happened*he had a knife in his hand* why are crying *after seeing tae manjot again start crying loudly which make v angry so much he softly give a cut on manjot cheeks* aww Barbie stop crying-
Leave her tae *then a deep voice come from back*
Fine Jin hyung *then he take a glance at manjot then he left*

Name:kim taehyung Nature: sometimes act like psyco,but have a kind heart, his smile is like a candyBusiness: mafia bossSiblings:Jin , jungkook***********Back to story*************(Then tae look at crying manjot then he walk towards her)Tae: Barbie...

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Name:kim seokjin
Nature:good hearted, don't get too much angry but if he get he can't control his self, same as jungkook
Business:mafia king
Siblings: jungkook,v
....................back to story............................
(Then he goes to khusboo he give her a chocolate)
Jin:hello cute girl
Khusboo:h-hello *start licking chocolate*
(Then Jin look at sakshi he goes to her and cares her hair)
Jin: don't cry princess
Sakshi: *sniff and nod*
Jin:good girl *give her a chocolate*
(Then he left after seeing chocolate in sakshi hand mine and manjot jaw drop we look at each other then jump on her)
Manjot:give me toooo
Muskan:me toooo
*After some time jungkook came with food after giving food he came to me and pats my head*
Jungkook:did I hold you hair last time hard hmm?
Muskan:*bite lips and nod* (after nodding jungkook hold my head again this time too hard*
Muskan:ah ah no pls *start crying*
(Manjot and sakshi was looking at me like they are was a horror movie khusboo was sleeping*
(Then jungkook leave my hair and start going but he got irritated after hearing my cry but he was all getting a feeling like why he hold your hair maybe he was guilt then he again make his step towards me after seeing that I step back and hit the wall)
Muskan:p-p-pls don't do anything to me
Jungkook: *sigh* I am sorry..okay? *Cares her hair*
Muskan:*sniff and not saying anything*
(Jungkook sigh and give me a lilpop (I mean normal lilpop 🌚YOU THARKI INSAN!!)
Muskan:*after seeing lilpop I stop crying then he left I look at sakshi and manjot while sobbing and the lilpop was in my mouth looking hella cute*
Manjot:you both got chocolate and lilpop and see what I go *pout and point toward her cheeks which has a bandage which Jin give her*(then we both laugh)
Muskan:guys I think we should sleep for now
Sakshi:hmm but on floor?
Muskan:yea on floor *pout*
*Then we all lay on floor and sleep*
                      In 6:00 morning
(I was wake up and see my sis khushboo, sakshi and manjot sleeping peacefully even in floor I again lay on floor I was looking up but then I saw a window*
Muskan:woah a window... WT- A WINDOW!! *quickly cover my mouth*
(I look at my sis then I shake them*
Muskan:guys guys wake up (then they all wake up)
Muskan:see there is a window
Sakshi:so what OMG A WINDOW
(I quickly cover her mouth)
Muskan:shhh (manjot chuckles)
Manjot:so how we go that much up
Muskan: wait that boxes *point towards boxes*
Manjot:ok then let's goo *stand up*
Muskan:hmm sakshi carry khusboo
*Sakshi nod and pick khusboo then I make boxes like a stairs and jump from there*
Muskan: sakshi come *then sakshi also jump with khusboo*
Meanwhile manjot
*Who was just sitting on wall being scared*
Sakshi:come manjot fast or else someone will saw us
Manjot:nawww ah nanananan
*But then door open reveal taehyung after seeing taehyung manjot freeze*
Manjot:mamaaaaaa *jump but tae tae saw all things he quickly tell about these to jungkook and Jin and they run behind us*

???: aunty pls take care of her we are in a trouble

???:do you think you can run from me lil bunny?

???:hey hey pls breathe

That it for today I hope you like this part can you guess who is saying these all if yes than tell me in comment

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