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Sitting on Ashlyns front porch stairs. I was sitting next to Ashlyn and talking to her.

I have been feeling like I've sorta been favouring and spending more time with Aiden and Ben than with the others.

"Oh, there they are." Aiden piped up.

Tyler, Taylor and Logan were walking towards us. Tyler was leading a blue bike with his twin beside him and Logan with his scooter behind them, with a helmet on like a good boy. Taylor waved.

They put their bike and scooter on the house wall. And we began walking inside.

"Tsk, tsk. You guys should really wear helmets." Aiden teased the twins.

"Oh like you would."

As we were walking through the door Aiden slowed down a little making Tyler irritated.

"Could you walk any slower?" He said. This however made Aiden walk even slower.

I didn't notice him being in front of me so I accidentally bumped into him while looking around and making sure everyone was there.

"Ugh! Aiden..." I sighed "Come on" I took his had and walked to one of the sofas and almost threw him onto it. I then sit down beside Logan but stood up again when I noticed that Ben was standing up. So I took his hand and guided him to sit down beside Aiden also.

After Ashlyn and her parents came to us they had a platter of food with them. I took a sandwich while Aiden to two sandwiches, a melon(?) and some fries. He then started eating it all at the same time, with his mouth open making bits of it fall out.

Everyone one was disgusted and showed it. Especially Ashlyn.

Ignoring Aiden Mr. Banner started, "So... What'd you kids want to talk about?"

"Oh- um.. right. We uh..." Ashlyn stumbled over the words. She was visibly nervous as she was shaking and clenching her hands. She then stood up and walked to the side table in between the sofas and turned on the lamp that was on it.

"Do you... notice Anything weird about my shadow?" She asked as he held up her braid.

Her shadow had messy short hair and the shadows around it was darker than normal but that wasn't the weirdest thing about it. The weirdest part was that her shadow had a pair of white dotted eyes, similar to the phantoms.

But her parents looked confused and slightly concerned. "Well- Not uh... Not in particular, no?" Mrs. Banners answered

Her response made everyone sulk in disappointment. Even though I already knew that they wouldn't see it I was hopeful they would notice something strange.

I learned on Logan. He squirmed a little but settled down and let me.

"Are we supposed to notice something?" Ashlyns mom asked

"Ah- no. Forget about it." Ashlyn answered. "But we need your help."

The adults tensed. They weren't used to Ashlyn asking for help.

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