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I opened my eyes and saw myself hugging Ben and Logan. I look around and see all of us being huddled together with our eyes closed. Remembering what happened last night with the phantom. Where is it? I don't see it.

Ashlyn however heard it. She hurriedly shoved Aiden away for her and whispered and crunched down, "Duck!"

We all crunched down behind the bus seats. Ben and the twins on one side and me, Logan, Aiden and Ashlyn on the other.

"Still here?" Tyler whispered making Ash nod in agreement.

"What do we do?" Taylor asked also whispering.

Ashlyn takes a second to think before answering. "We'll have to try and kill it." She whispered, slightly conflicted.

"How are we going to do that?" Tyler asked, determined.

"We can have Logan shot it through the window." Aiden suggested

"No, the gun is for emergencies only" Ashlyn shot him down

"Plus the noise would get the attention of other phantoms. If one got in, what's stopping the others?" I whispered.

"We also don't have many bullets left, so we'll have to try and kill it with our other weapons first and have Logan as our back up." Ashlyn whispered before freezing up and her eyes widening. She put her finger in front of her mouth. "Shhh"

Everyone was clearly confused but kept quiet waiting for what to do. "Get under the seats."

The twins in the back on one side, in front of them was me and Ben. On the other side was Ashlyn in the front and the other two behind her.

It was totally quiet other than the loud steps of the phantom. Then a loud scramble was heard, and everything became quiet. It came from Ashlyn. The phantom also paused.

She looked down at Aiden and Logan then back up and saw she was face to face with the phantom. She tried to roll out of the way but it grabbed her braids.

"Shit!" -me
"Not good!" -Tyler
"Ashlyn!" -Taylor

I jump up and go to the weapons on the other side of the bus as fast as possible. I grab the axe like baseball bat. It had a large blade on it.

I turn back and run to them. I see Aiden guiding it but it's arms. Getting a better idea. I'm going to summon my inner Viking.

"Aiden, this way!" I shout at him. I ready my baseball bat up high as the phantom was thrown at me with its back at me.



I panted as I calmed down as I slumped down and put the bat away. No one had said anything just looking back and forth between me and the phantom without a head, on the floor in front of me with slacked jaws.

"What?" I asked forcing them out of their shocked state. And before anyone could say anything Aiden started laughing like the maniac he is. But he was shushed as he was being too loud.

However, nobody noticed that he had a small blush on his cheeks as he looked at me. "Amazing!"

A little later we're all sitting around each other on the seats.

"What do we do with the phantom?" Tyler asked and nudged it with the bat a left somewhere. Now we're all standing around the beheaded phantom on the floor.

"Maybe we could experiment with it? See what's the most effective in dealing damage to the body?" Taylor suggested holding herself.

"Well since it's dead, let's take a closer look." Aiden said and took his phone out and turned on the flashlight.

I can't even explain how it reacted. Its skin started dissolving and outward. Or something like that. It's whatever but it made every one of us jump away from it.

"Turn it off!" Tyler snapped at Aiden who hurriedly did so. Once it was off it was and went back it it's original state but dripping ink. But after a minute eyes started opening up all over the body.

"That's peculiar..." -Taylor

"Disgusting is more like it. Now that we've found a weakness, let's talk about Savannah." Tyler said. So we sat down away from the inky body or eyes. "We can't keep hoping that things will get back to normal on their own." He argued.

"And we can't risk getting stuck here permanently." Ashlyn argued back. The two of them were now glaring at each other.

"Uhm, going back doesn't mean we have to go back to the house again, or interact with the phantoms, right? Maybe we could just search for someone who might know something?" Taylor said.

"I'll agree to avoiding that place and only searching for local information. That way we don't have to risk anything." Tyler said crossing his arms.

"I-if we're don't go back to the Sorrel house, then I'm not against... going to Savannah." Logan said shaking.

"I'm not against going but I'd rather, we wait a little a prepare ourselves for every possible outcome. Like we need a plans and such." I say

Ashlyn nods and looks at Ben. "What about you Ben?"

He takes his phone that he uses to speak. "I'll go with whatever Aiden decides." He wrote.

"Hm? I don't care either way. Both options seem fun."

"I don't think this was an accident. There's a possibility that lady did this on purpose and we could run into her again. There might even be others like her." Ashlyn said

"So you're still against going?!" Tyler yelled

"No. I'll go, but only if we wait a year."

"A year?! You want to be stuck here for a year?!" Tyler screamed

"Calm down. There's no guarantee that even if we go back, we'll find a way out of here. Plus, none of us have a car or a license." Ashlyn pointed out making him quiet down.

"Actually, I have a car... just not a license." I say slowly.

"Aside from that, I think a year would give us time to prepare for the worst outcome. Like Lovisa said."

"...Worst outcome?" Logan asked quietly

"Even with all our precautions, we could still somehow get stuck here permanently or have another encounter with that woman. So for a year, we should train ourselves, research and turn this into a reliable stronghold to survive in. It's about time we start taking this seriously."

[Time skip]

"Alright so. This should be our first goal." Ashlyn starts writing on the whiteboard we found in the in the junk.
- First main objective: Gunshop
"We need more weapons."

"Okay... how do we get there." Tyler asked

"Well, we'll need to do two things first:"
- Fortify graveyard walls
- Bring jeep into the graveyard
"We need a vehicle to drive to the gunshop. My parent's jeep is the closest so we'll need to bring it to the yard. However the phantoms got over the walls last time. I'm not sure how but we need to figure out a way to stop it from happening again. Anyone got any ideas?" Ashlyn asked

You know what I'm just gonna steal Logan's idea. "What about solar lights?"

"That could work."

"But how are we going to get them?" Ash asked

"Ah. You can leave that to me. I haven't been using my allowance lately so it's built up a bit." Aiden raised his hand.

"Allowance? How much do you have?"

"About ———?"

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