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[Say yes] - [IU]

From the moment she married Jake, Haein hadn't imagined her days could get any worse. Now, faced with the incredulous stares of her sister-in-law and her friends, she felt trapped.

The shock on Jia and Taerae's faces made her feel as if she had been caught in a lie she couldn't untangle. She glanced back and forth, trying to decide who to address first.

Soomin's glare was icy and judgmental, while Jia and Taerae looked as if they had seen a ghost. Haein's mind raced, usually adept at weaving believable stories, but today, her thoughts felt scrambled.

She could feel the pressure mounting, her usual composure slipping away. She swallowed hard, her mouth dry, and took a deep breath, hoping to find the right words to explain this complicated mess.

Thankfully, she wasn't the one who had to lie today. Jake's voice cut through the tension as he shouted, "You ruined my life! I lost my job because of you."

Her confusion mirrored the bewildered looks around her. "Take her away from me," he demanded, his eyes hard and cold.

Jia turned to Haein, searching for an explanation, while Haein looked back at Jake, her heart pounding.

He grabbed her hand and backed away from the others, ensuring they didn't catch too much attention. His breath tickled the nape of her neck, and his cologne engulfed her senses as he whispered, "I'll cover for you, just do as I say."

The drive back was painfully awkward, the silence heavy with unspoken questions. Haein bit her nails, her anxiety palpable. They were both perilously close to being exposed. Taerae, his eyes fixed on her through the rearview mirror, finally broke the silence.

"He wants money from you, right? He's threatening you."

Jia gasped, immediately pulling out her phone, eager to turn this into a juicy story for her social media followers. Haein quickly snatched the phone away. "Guys, it's just... his life turned 360 degrees ever since that day."

"But this will get lots of views..."

Haein shook her head, trying to keep her frustration in check. "It's not about views. There's more to this than you realize."

"You've changed, Haein. The Kang Haein I know wouldn't step foot in that neighborhood, even under gunpoint."

Her mind raced, struggling to find the right words. She knew she couldn't reveal the whole truth, but she had to give them something. "I'm just trying to handle it the best I can."

𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐬. ! Sim JakeWhere stories live. Discover now