Chapter four

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Alex's expression softened even further. "I can see that," he said gently.

"Love can be a powerful force, but so can self-care and self-love. Remember that you deserve happiness and respect, Sophia. If Lucas is truly the one for you, he'll understand and support you through this difficult time. But if not, know that you have the strength to move forward and find someone who will love and cherish you for who you are."

Sophia felt a tear roll down her cheek as Alex's words resonated deep within her.

She realized that she had been so caught up in her love for Lucas that she had forgotten to prioritize her own well-being. Alex's wisdom and kindness had awakened something within her, and she felt a spark of determination ignite.

"I Know Lucas would have supported me.... Well maybe, but he has a wife and a son that's why we are not together anymore... Like he lied to me that he was single i-i didn't know he was married."

Alex's eyes widened in surprise, and he let out a soft whistle.

"Whoa, that's heavy. I'm so sorry, Sophia. That's a lot to take in. He lied to you about being single? That's not okay. You deserve so much better than someone who would deceive you like that."

Sophia felt a lump form in her throat as she nodded, tears streaming down her face.

"I know, I was so blind. I thought he loved me, but it was all a lie. And now... now I'm pregnant with his child." Alex's face contorted in anger, but he quickly composed himself and took Sophia's hand in his.

"don't worry Sophia, if you will let me I will take care of you and your baby... Besides I also don't have anybody." Alex said and Sophia looked at him confused and she was not certain if he was saying the truth after what Lucas did to her she is finding it hard to believe Alex.

Sophia's eyes searched Alex's face, trying to read his intentions. She was torn between her desire for support and her fear of being hurt again.

"Why would you do that for me, Alex?" she asked, her voice laced with skepticism.

"What's in it for you?" Alex's expression was unwavering, his eyes filled with sincerity.

"Because, Sophia, I know what it's like to be alone and struggling. I've been there too. And I want to help someone who needs it. No strings attached, no expectations. Just kindness and support."

He paused, his voice filled with conviction.

"And maybe, just maybe, we can help each other heal and find a new sense of purpose."

Sophia's heart fluttered at his words, a small spark of hope igniting within her. Could she trust this stranger? Was he truly different from Lucas? She looked into his eyes, searching for answers.

"Alex! You seem like a nice man but you barely know me... We barely know each other, you met me today in a bad condition, why are you willing to take mine and my child's responsibility when you are not the father?" Sophia asked Alex still skeptical about the situation, he took in a deep breath...

"Sophia, you're right, we've just met, and I'm not the father of your child. But sometimes in life, we connect with people in ways that transcend time and circumstances. I feel a connection with you, and I want to help. I've been through my own share of struggles and losses, and I know what it's like to feel alone and vulnerable. I'm not looking for anything in return, no repayment or gratitude. I just want to be there for you and your child, as a friend, a support system, and a guardian. I promise to be transparent and honest with you, and I'll earn your trust, one day at a time. Let me be the one you can lean on, Sophia. Let me help you heal and build a new life, together."

Alex's words were sincere, and his eyes reflected his genuine intentions, making Sophia's heart skip a beat.

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