Unspoken Feelings😌❤

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"Yrr but Ro bhai--"

"Ishh please, I'll manage everything, you just come"

"Coming, Stubborn ass"

Ishan Kishan, MI player sneaking into GT skipper Shubman Gill's room, as his best friend is being a cry baby and calling him in midnight.

Ishan walking with baby steps, looking around, making sure no one is seeing him. He knocked at Gill's door. Shubman  opened the door instantly and pull him in his embrace. Ishan hold him back and smiled. But their smile instantly dropped when a voice came "Ae, what's going on at this time"

Ishan hurriedly parted away. "Ishan in your room".Ro glared both of them. Shubman hugged Ishan from back and kept his chin on his shoulder.

"Ishan toh yahin rahega" (Ishan will stay here only)

"Shubman, you're being irresponsible captain"

"Ohh...I can say the same then."

" Huh?"

"What was Vi bhaiya doing in your room, at this same time, yesterday? Aren't you both capatain too?" *Shubman back fired and smirked. ●(Hardik bhai still in GT but not captain)

Rohit glared Ishan for telling him this. He chuckled and kept his hand on Shubman's hand which was around his waist.

"W..Wo wo..."

"Iss wo ka koi matlab nahi h, kyun?" Ishan slapped his hand playfully.

"Bhaiya please" *Ishan showed his puppy eyes and who can denied this big baby.

"Okay okay"

"Ro bhai..."


"You didn't tell, what was Vi bhaiya---"

"Ae Gill bakch--- kam kar"

Rohit went away knowing Shubman is fully prepared today to tease him. Here both of them laughed and closed the door.

Both the lads lied on the bed and cuddled. Ishan was caressing Shubman's hairs while he just kept snuggling more and more to his Ish.

The morning came and it was a busy one. All the players of GT and MI were practising and discussing. The evening arrived and the game was about to start. Players were talking and laughing. Shubman and Ishan along with Tilak, Hardik, and others were standing and talking randomly.

Here, Shubman was repeatedly trying to hold Ishan's hand, whereas; he kept snatching his hands away. This time Shubman hold Ishan's few finger but before Ishan could pull off the grip, Shubman grabbed his hand tightly. And kept talking like nothing happened. Luckily no player noticed the whole scenario but Ofcourse camera captured it very clearly.

The game finished and GT won. As a captain, Shubman won his first match. And also scored good runs. All were congratulating him, even MI players. Shubman hugged Ishan tightly and he reciprocated. Later all of them returned to their hotel.

Shubman in his room, continuously calling Ishan. He didn't received. Annoyed Shubman went downstairs for dinner. Both the team will be having dinner together.

Shubman saw Ishan was laughing with Tilak on god knows what. He squint his eyes on them and sat beside Ishan. Ishan noticed his presence and stopped talking with Tilak.

"Call receive kyun nhi kiya?"

"Phone? Ohh I think I forget it in my room"

Shubman just hummed. Tilak again said something and Ishan started talking with him. Shubman got lil angry and hold  Ishan's hand under the table. Ishan being habitual of these stunts of Shubman, didn't got shocked. Still he tried to pull off his hand, only to Shubman tight his grip. 

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