Unspoken Feelings😌❤ (Part-2)

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Ishan was sitting on the bed. Shubman came slowly and stand behind Ishan. 


"Don't say my name, I'm repeating" *Ishan said closing his eyes.

"What have I done? Atleast tell me"

"I just don't wanna talk to you, Shubman. Just sleep please"

"Shubman? Is it Shubman for you now?"

"That's what your name is"

"Ishan please tell me, are you upset because I went to Sara?" *Shubman asked trying to hold his shoulder but Ishan jerked it away and stood, weeping his tears away with the back of his palm.

"Why do you care huh? I'm the one who used to be clingy and touchy with you and now when I'm pushing you away, why is it bothering you? This is what you said to Sara sometimes ago, didn't you? And now acting all innocent? Not just me, you broke Sara's heart too. You know what, I wasted my time with you. Seriously? Clingy? Me?*laughed* Wasn't it always been you who cheated on his date with me? I always tried to push you away but you always make me weak. And with this I also become a sinner along with you, doing sin with a committed guy. You played with both of us. You don't deserve me nor Sara, Actually no one !! "

Ishan cried out in anger. Shubman was hitted by the words so harshly, that he didn't able to form any word. He kept looking at him, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Is..Ishan I..I didn't s..said anything. It's a lie... please listen" *Shubman spoke with so much of effort.

"How long do you want to play, Shubman?"

"I'm saying truth, trust me I haven't said anything. The matter is totally different "

"Please I don't wanna talk on this topic "

Saying this, Ishan lied and covered himself with duvet till head. Shubman was standing, recollection the things what has happened with him. Tears were flowing, heart aching and head blasting. He slowly lied on the other side of the bed. He tried to put his hand around Ishan but he spoke still under the duvet - "Do you want me to sleep on the couch?"
Shubman choked on his sob and drew back his hand. 

An hour passed, Shubman kept tossing and turning, unable to sleep. He kept crying and feeling empty without his Ishh. He has habit of sleeping by cuddling Ishan. He felt suffocated and sat up, hugging his knees.

Ishan woke at night by some sound. He peaked from under his cover. It was almost 2 AM. He looked to his side and gasped loudly. There, Shubman was sitting hugging his knees. His eyes were half opened and he was shivering. Face covered with tears and very low sobs, more like he has cried enough.

Ishan immediately sat up and turned on the light. His heart shattered seeing Shubman in this condition. He kept his palm on his forehead and instantly pull back the hand. Shubman was literally burning with fever.

Ishan's eyes got teary. Without second thought he got up and bring the medicine from drawer.

"Shubi take this medicine" *Ishan said softly.

Shubman nodded a no and was continuously closing his eyes.

"Ish..Ishan Ishan"

"I'm here bubba, take this please"

"I...I d..didn't said a..anything. T..Trust me Ish" *It was really hard for Shubman to speak even a single word.

"Forget this Shubh !! Say aa"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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