Chapter 21: Content

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The room was as I remembered, albeit a little more messy, but still familiar. It was pitch black outside and the full moons wrath of beauty shone in through the windows in great ivory stripes of light.

Abby kicked Manny out of their room, forcing him to stay with Marlow. She didn't explain to him why, but eventually she persuaded him to make the change permanent.

We lied in bed, binded together by her small covers that barely reached over both our bodies. Her front was pressed against my back and her legs shadowed mine. Her beautiful, strong, soft arms enveloped my frame. One arm rested on my waist whilst the other wrapped under my body, leaving her hand to hook onto my shoulder. She kissed into the back of my neck and played with my hair to help me fall asleep.
Abby also did something new: her hand ran across the words tattooed on my bicep and for some reason I didn't feel compelled to withhold the source of the inked sentence. I wanted to tell her everything. If she ever reciprocated my love, I wanted her to love the real me; scars and all.

I softly scratched my nails against the bare skin of her hands and arms, eliciting an eruption of goosebumps on her freckled skin. I smiled and snuggled into her further, drifting off to sleep.

Why do my lips taste salty?
And, why is my vision blurry?

I awoke to a numbing of my sense. I could barely see through my dark surroundings and a deafening silence cloaked the room. My nose felt sore and clogged and my tastebuds were overwhelmed by the sting of salt on my tongue.

It took me a few second to adjust to the environment I had just awoken in.
It was still dark outside and my face felt like it was overheating so much it would explode any second. My skin felt sticky and tight, I felt around my body and found a trail of tears travelling down my cheeks, jaw and neck, finally ending its journey at my damp clothes.

Am I crying?

The warmth of a rough hand suddenly enlightened me to consciousness, causing me to flinch. The light of a torch sliced through the void of black filling the room. I peered up at familiar watery blue eyes and found Abby staring back at me, all that it took to calm me down was her image.

Her hair waved down the sides of her face and was a little messy from sleep...or lack there of; the prominent eye bags circling her vibrant irises was alarming, has she not slept yet? Was she still having nightmares?

I pointed to her eye bags.

"Are you okay?" we asked each other simultaneously, which caused us both to smile, amused by our synchronous worries.

Abby brushed off my question with a brief "I'm fine. Are you okay?". Concerned was etched into her face through harsh frown and eyebrow lines, as well as sympathetic and worrisome eyes. They reminded me of the curious, needy gaze of a puppy.

"I'm good" I croaked out in a cough, suddenly realising my throat was hoarse and I was dehydrated.

Abby wiped a tear from my cheek and showed me her glossy thumb, proving me wrong.
"You don't seem it" she pushed further.

I licked over my dry lips and sighed with a shrug of my shoulders "I don't know".

I looked away from her piercing gaze.
This is embarrassing.
Abby's familiar calloused hands gently tugged my chin up to meet her eyes.
"Tell me" is all she said.

Her mellow voice mixed with the careful yet dominant tone was all that was needed to set my emotions free.

My tears burst out like the eager flow of water hastily flooding through a dam. My breaths and cries were so uneven that I developed a rhythm of hiccups somewhere along the way.
I must've looked like a mess: rosy cheeks primed with the dried lines of old tears and painted over with new ones, eyelashes slick with tears and puffy eyes from the relentless distress Marlow plagued me with, even in my sleep.

IRRESISTIBLE |  ABBY ANDERSON x FEM OCWhere stories live. Discover now