6 Years of dream

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It's been 6 years and now I'm 14 years old in the real world. The dream life had become a part of me. It's just lie down, wake up and lie down and wake up. There's not much side effects due this dream other than losing my time perception and memory capacity.

One day as I slept in my dream and waiting to wake up in real life....I got a normal dream. I got surprised because for the last 6 years, I never had a normal dream. When I woke up from the dream i was still in my dream realm.

Am I trapped here!?, I panicked and tried to sleep again but I'm as fresh as a daisy so what can I do. I thought of all my family and my friends thinking i could never see them again. I didn't know what to do about this.

Will my parents think I'm dead, They better not put me in the coffin already, I thought of all the random non sense. I thought that the normal dream must've made my dream life continue, instead of allowing my consciousness to make it to the real world.... So to try anything else, I need to wait for the night to come. I continued my life as normal.

Fast forwarding>>

As the night arrived and I was scared to know what is going to happen. I slept early and unlike last night, I didn't get a normal dream. I was assured that I would wake up in my real life and fortunately I woke up in my real life. I was expecting to be in a hospital, but I'm lying on my bed.

I checked the phone and the date and time remained right in the real world. So this dream can multiply, without affecting the real world. I'm not sure, but if this is the case then I should be more careful.

I am tired of managing my both lifes. In the real world, my friends already got girlfriends, crush and ex'es. But here I'm pretending that I don't have any feelings towards the others.

Two years passed in the dream life since my mom's death and life had changed in many ways. My father got transferred to Kyoto, leaving me and Hai with our uncle (father's older brother). It was difficult to blend in with their routine, but our big sis Arima (Uncle's 13 year old Daughter) is helping us to adjust into the new life.

She treats me like a child, I can't complain her since I am a child here but it's not my thing. Especially when I'm older than her. She is a bit clumsy and pretty. When she knew both I and Hai is going to live with them, she got so excited.

I didn't talk to her that much, so she grew curious over me. Hai is so attached to her. She treated us both equally, but always teased me a little to get my attention.

"Aru come here, let me get you ready for your school"

"I will do it myself", I said.

"Ok let me bath you"

But I said n.... She lifted me and got me to her room. Not gonna lie but her room is the cleanest room I've ever seen. Beautiful rose coloured walls with pictures of dragons...wait DRAGONS!?, wait what kind of combination is this?. She always have something new which would make me question my life.

Anyway I avoided her and went on to bath. She likes to meddle into my life so much. It's not like I didn't like her or anything but the fact she never leaves me alone is a bit uncomfortable. I understand that she want to talk with me, but it's a little bit annoying. As the days passed I talked to her a bit. She and Hai would play for hours. I guess it's because Hai is a geniune child unlike me.

I am always with my grandma(My mom's mother) asking about how my mother lived in her childhood days. She always tells me how naughty my mother were in her childhood. One day my grandma told me about how my mom used to carry little cats and dogs to the home and she would scare them away at night. She said that my mother was so beautiful in her teenage.

Anyways, my uncle is calling me so I have to go so bye!!

Thank you very much for contributing your time.

Word count:744

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