Chapter 2

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Jennie sat on the edge of her bed and stared at the open suitcases on the table in front of her. She was thoroughly exhausted. Her eyes shifted down to the empty duffel bag on the floor and then back up to her suitcases, then she glanced down at the list in her hand. She sighed resignedly as her eyes scanned over the items on the list. The more she read, the more ragged her breathing became until she finally couldn't stop herself and she fell back onto the bed and burst into frustrated tears.

Twenty minutes later, still sniffling with her face puffy, eyes swollen and her head pounding, Jennie began started sorting through her things and making categorized piles. It took her the better part of two hours, but she managed to find most of the things on the list. A phone call to the front desk and a conversation with their concierge allowed her to check off the remaining items before dinner.

She considered going out for dinner, but then thought better of it and ordered from room service instead. It would be her last evening in luxury for awhile so she ate quietly alone and then relaxed in a nice warm bath nursing the first of several glasses of wine. Later, curled in a warm robe, she found a marathon of favorite movies and watched with the sound off reciting the dialogue aloud until she finally fell asleep.

Rosie sat on her porch nursing a beer and watching her caretaker finishing up the last of the day's chores. He pushed the barn door closed and crossed the yard in her direction, wiping the sweat from his face with his muscular forearms.

"Hey Rosie-girl," he sing-songed lightly, dropping down on the porch in front of her.

"How goes it, Taehyung?" she asked with a smile.

He waggled his eyebrows at the beer she was holding while nodding with a smirk.

She laughed and handed him one from the cooler beside her. He unscrewed the cap and took a long pull."Ahhhhh, so good," he sputtered. "Everything looks good, ma'am."

"Yeah, it does. And don't call me that, I hate it." she said evenly.

"Of course you do. That's why I do it. I'm just bad-ass like that." he said with a ridiculous exaggerated swagger. "You're bad-ass, too."

"Yeah," Rosie said, "dat we be, for shizzle, bro." Taehyung spat out his mouthful of beer and coughed.

"God Roseanne," he choked, "Don't every do that again. That was just so wrong."

Rosie laughed It must have been really awful if he actually resorted to calling her by her given name. He was one of the very few who had that privilege. Their back story was long and complex and yet somehow they had managed to forge a solid friendship.

"So are you out for a few days?" he asked, staring out into the fields.

"Yup," she replied. "Five days, maybe six. Depends on how things go."

"Typical client?" he asked with a wry chuckle.

"Mmm no, I don't think so, actually," Rosie said, sipping her beer.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" he asked with slightly more interest.

"Not sure yet, just different." Rosie deflected. She pictured Jennie fumbling with her water bottle and actually caught herself smiling.

"Is she bangin'?" Taehyung asked with a smirk and he held his rounded palms over his chest like cantaloupes. Rosie scoffed.

"Taehyung!" she scolded, nudging him gently in the ribs with her toe.

"Well? Is she? You know, smokin'" he persisted, nonplussed.

Rosie bit her lip and sighed. "Not exactly like that, but yes, Puck," she relented. "She's really, really something. Amazing actually."

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