Chapter 9

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Warning: Mature [M]

They rode in silence, each lost in their own thoughts, just the sound of the horse's hooves crunching through the underbrush echoing around them.

Jennie was riding with her crotch pressed right up behind the saddle and she now understood all too well the jokes about girls riding horses. Between the sideways sway of the horse's gait and the uneven trail, the friction was, well, stimulating. She shifted position every so often and tried to distract herself but found it was proving to be an impossible task. Everything was stacked, quite literally, against her.

Most maddening was the grip she had around Rosie's waist and the all-too-keen awareness that she only had to slide her hands mere inches in either direction and it would bring a entirely different dimension to the idea of a slow ride back to camp.

Jennie had already been shamelessly amusing herself by occasionally allowing her knuckles to graze the underside of Rosie's breasts whenever she leaned forward for some reason and she wondered if Rosie had noticed. She would also catch herself absently swirling patterns on Rosie's t-shirt with her fingertips that were splayed across her stomach. In fact, she had since graduated to scribing dirty words.

The first time it happened Rosie didn't really think anything of it, but by the fourth time she was quite certain it was deliberate. Jennie was nudging her breasts every so often, grazing them with the back of her knuckles or sometimes her thumb. The realization caused Rosie's heart to flutter, spin and plummet deliciously into the pit of stomach.

Testing her theory, she leaned forward a few times under the pretense of adjusting the reins or talking to the horse and sure enough, each time she felt Jennie's hand stealthily ride up, the top of hand or her thumb making contact with the underside of her breast, even rubbing ever so slightly. Jennie was also getting bolder, lingering longer, pressing harder before falling away.

Once Rosie leaned sharply back into the little brunette just to see if she would be bold enough to slide her hands up higher, but she only hugged tighter to Rosie's waist. In that moment, Rosie could feel Jennie's full breasts crushed against her back. When she realized that Jennie was not wearing a bra she flushed deeply as she immediately felt her own nipples harden in response. Brilliant plan there, Einstein, she chided herself, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth as she settled back upright again. Now she found herself doing everything she could to encourage the girl's roving fingertips.

Ohmygod, ohmygod. Jennie was so momentarily startled when Rosie suddenly leaned back into her that she froze, even going so far as holding her breath. Surely she must have done it deliberately, but why? Was she just trying to get comfortable or was she sending a message? And if so, then what? Was it I know what you've been doing and stop that? Or was it I know what you've been doing and don't stop it?

Now, after they had plodded steadily along for another mile and Jennie had tumbled the question over in her mind and polished the edges smooth, she resolved that given another similar opportunity it would not be wasted.

For the moment, however, the flare of the saddle kept her from pressing fully up against Rosie's back and Jennie was actually grateful for the space between them. At this point, the thought of her taut nipples rubbing flush against Rosie's back would have been her undoing. As it was, she was already wound so tightly she felt her whole body humming.

Jennie was torn between trying to ignore the dull throbbing ache settled squarely between her thighs or actively taking steps to alleviate the situation. While her mind stirred with this new dilemma, her fingers instinctively curled and flexed into the fabric on Rosie's shirt and she felt the muscles beneath it quiver to the new touch.

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