Chapter 15

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It took them nearly three hours to get back to the stables. They were both more than happy for the riding to be over when they arrived.

Rosie slid off first and then stood back and watched, ready to help if Jennie needed it. Rosie's patient little paint horse was really the perfect size for Jennie and she dismounted with ease.

"Like you've been doing it all your life," Rosie said proudly and winked at her.

Jennie smiled. She started to toward Rosie and then stopped in mid-step. She reached up her hand but again ended up stretching and dropping it back to her side.

Ah, come on.

Rosie sighed deeply. She shook her head, then grabbed Jennie by one hand and the reins on the horse in the other and led both into the stable.

Jennie wandered around, looking at horses and halfway eavesdropping on Rosie's conversation with the stable manager.

After about 20 minutes, Rosie walked back over to Jennie. She was folding paperwork and slipped it into her back pocket.

"Well, first of all, your wayward horse appeared at evening feed a day or so ago. So I get to say I told you so." Rosie grinned.

Jennie scowled, but Rosie could tell she was relieved.

"Secondly, they're going to send someone up later to retrieve all the gear that we couldn't bring back. I don't know if they'll get around to it today or early enough tomorrow to help us though. Whenever, I'll make sure that everything you left finds it's way to you." Rosie assured her.

Jennie nodded. Rosie could sense she was started to crumble a little bit. She grabbed her by the hand and they walked down the length of the stables.

"Where's your horse" Jennie asked.

"They're walking him to let him cool down," Rosie said.

"Why aren't you..." Jennie started and then stopped. Rosie looked at her and smiled.

"I asked someone else to do it." Rosie told her. "I needed some time for more important things. I'll find him and feed him and get him bedded down in a bit."

"Oh," Jennie said, brightening a bit.

"Yeah, I need to find him a stall." she continued. Rosie smiled at her and dropped her hand. She walked over to the peer in the stall on the end of the row. It was occupied. She tried two more stalls before she found an empty one. She pulled the door open.

"What about you? What's first on your back-in-the-world agenda?" Rosie asked cautiously.

"I'm going to go take a shower," Jennie said coming up behind her and wrapping her arms around Rosie's waist, laying her face against her back. "A real honest-to-goodness long, hot shower."

Rosie put her hands over Jennie's.

"That sounds like a plan," Rosie said with a smile.

"Would you care to join me?"

"As tempting as that is," Rosie chuckled, "As you can see," she said, motioning toward the stall. "I do still have a few things to take care of here."

Jennie huffed unhappily and frowned.

"But I will meet you for dinner when I'm finished," Rosie offered.

"Dinner, yay," Jennie chirped, giddy again.

"I'll meet you downstairs in the restaurant, say 7:30? Okay?" Rosie suggested. She knew if she went to Jennie's room they would never leave it.

"Why so long?" Jennie asked.

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