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POV: Travis Phelps

Warnings: Kenneth, Cursing. I knowww I keep forgetting to add warnings :(

Mother has been missing for a while now. Last time I saw her, her and father were fighting. Father says she left, but she wouldn't do that to me, right? She knows how he is. She wouldn't leave me. Not in a million years, no. She said it herself. She loves me and would never leave me with him, but shes been gone for weeks now, and father for some reason won't let me open the freezer. He says it's a surprise, but I hate surprises. Last time he gave me a "surprise", I ended up with 3 broken fingers and a broken nose, not to mention the bruises and cuts that wouldn't go away.

He hasn't let me out of my room at all today either. Apparently he's making the "surprise" or whatever. All I know is that it smells putrid in the house now, like a rotting animal sizzling on hot cement. I would open the window but father has fucking nailed it shut because I tried to free a fucking bug that was in my room 5 years ago. "TRAVIS GET DOWN HERE". Welp, I suppose he has finished whatever he was doing! Great!!! Just spectacular!

I walk to my door and hesitantly open it. Holy fuck it smells horrid. "HURRY UP, TRAVIS. I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY." Fucking hell you cunt. It's barely been 30 seconds. "Coming father!" I sprint to the stairs and run down them. The smell keeps getting worse and worse. Yuck! 

I finally made it to the kitchen. There is what seems to be a meat stew on the table.? It looks chunky and not soupy at all. It looks like mushed up cranberry sauce that you get in a can. "I made this for you and you will eat it." I do not wanna fucking eat that, but I also don't wanna see the pearly while gates of heaven just yet, so I sit down.

"It's a new recipe. Eat up!" I look down at the "soup" thing. Father is grinning ear to ear like a fucking crazy person. Is he trying to kill me or something? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised, but still. I wanna die a cool way! Like I die trying to save someone or some shit, not by whatever fathers gross road kill stew has in it. "Are you gonna take a fucking bite?" Well great!

I grab the spoon and get a little of the soup. I bring it to my mouth as I try not to vomit. I take a bite and father starts..laughing.? Ah well fuck. what did I just eat? And why does it taste metallic? I chew on the weird bits in it, and I suddenly bite down on something hard. I didn't really expect it to be hard so I spit it out. I bet I get beat for that. 

I spat it directly back into the bowl and nervously searched for whatever hard thing I bit down on. I not only pull out a fucking tooth, but I also pull out a large clump of brown hair.. Fathers hair is yellow? Who's hair is this? And why is father laughing.?

"Don't recognize your own mothers hair? HAH! Pathetic." Father says. What is he talking about.?? No.. There is no way this is mothers hair. No fucking way. You're fucking lying. Did he.. Is mother.. Did I just.. No.. No fucking way.. 

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