01: sunken boat

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madi is sitting on the deck , her feet dangling off the edge as she watches the waves crash into the shore

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madi is sitting on the deck , her feet dangling off the edge as she watches the waves crash into the shore. she feels that her beer is almost empty, she chugs the last little bit and puts it down beside her.

jj who's beside her, grabs the cooler and pulls out a new beer. he uses his teeth to pop open the bottle and he gives it to her.

"thank you jay" she smiles at the boy as she wraps her arm around him.

"get a room" pope yells at the two from a few feet away.

"leave us alone pope, we would never brake the god forsaken rule" madi looks up at jb who is watching us.

"what's the rule again?, can't seem to remember" madi says with a sarcastic tone, turning to jj knowing jb is very serious about this stupid rule.

"no pouge on pouge macking" jb points down at the two.

"whatever" the two say in unison

"bro your gonna fall" madi looks at jb standing on one foot.

"i give you about a one and three chance of survival" pope looks up at jb.

"should I do it?" jb taunts.

"i'll shoot you on the way down" pope hold up a drill to him.

"they're gonna have Japanese toilets and towel warmers" kie says annoyed coming from inside the house.

"mads does your house have those?" jj questions looking at the girl.

"no" she acts offended even thought it's true. turning into a kook at the age of five and having to move away from her friends was not easy. she fought and fought to stay with her friends but it didn't work.

she was dragged away from her best friends that have been there since she was born. now when her being a kook is mentioned she gets upset, even if it's a joke.

"this used to be a turtle habitat but who cares about the turtles" kie looks up at jb. "can you please not kill yourself"

"don't spill that beer, i'm not giving you another one" jj takes a big swig on his beer.

the wind changes quickly and jb drops the beer and it splashes on the floor.

"of course he did, right when you said it" madi laughs watching the boys bicker.

the loud sound of a car door being shut gets pope's attention. "guys uh security's here" he says quickly.

"guys that's are cue" madi jumps on her feet as the waves the group on.

"gary is that you?" jj sticks his head over the deck and looks at the fat guard.

"lets go" madi grabs his hand pulling him inside. the group runs through the house and practically jumps down the stairs. madi tries to turn the corner when she's meet with gary who is trying to grab her arm.

JJ who is right behind her grabs her other hand and pulls her away. "not much of a hugger man" he quickly says as we run towards the exit which happens to be a tall fence.

madi jumps and grabs the top of the fence pulling herself over and she lands on her feet. she turns around and sees pope face plant into the ground.

he struggles to get up so she runs over to him and pulls him up and drags him towards the van. she jumps in behind pope and sits on the floorboard as they make the getaway.


after the harsh storm that hurricane agatha brought, madi was determined to get out of the house without being noticed. she has gotten a text from kie saying to meet at her dock a few minutes ago.

madi put on her bikini and grabbed her boat bag running down the stairs. at first glance she doesn't see her mom so she thinks she in the clear. she opens the fridge and grabs a few beers and stuffs them into the cooler.

she glances outside and sees her mom and paul sitting by the pool as our gardeners clean the yard. she walks outside and sits down next to them.

"hey, whatcha doing?" she sits down next to them.

"just enjoying the sun" her mom says smiling.

"where are you going?" paul asks looking at the bag and cooler.

"uh kie wants to hang out with sarah and topper" she lies. that's her favorite excuse to use, paul wants her to hang out with kooks like sarah and topper.

madi has never had a problem with sarah until she uninvited kie to her birthday party and she refused to go without her.

"okay, well be safe" paul says putting his sunglasses back on. her mom glances at her and points to the end of their dock and she sees the boys waiting for her.

"bye guys!" she shouts running across the yard and towards her dock. she meets kie at the dock and she hands her the cooler.

"ooo, too of the morning to ya" jb says in an awful accent.

"morning boys" kie says stepping on the boat. madi is right behind her, jj holds out his hand and she gladly accepts it. he helps her into the boat and she sits down next to him.

"you got some juice boxes?" jb questions.

"you know, just some yogurts and carrot sticks" kie says smiling.

"how about my kind of juice boxes" jj questions glances at madi.

"yeah" madi says grabbing a beer out the cooler and popping it open.

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"let me show you a party trick" jj says standing up and heading towards the front of the boat.

"oh god, here we go"

"it doesn't work, you've tried this like 6000 times" jb moves to the very back of the boat.

"maybe this time he can do it" madi shrugs her shoulder and watches as the boy tries to pour beer into his mouth. he fails and spills beer all over madi and kie.

"your getting beer in my hair" kie says holding her hand in front of her face.

"okay jay i don't think it's working" madi stands up trying to stop the boy.

the boat stops suddenly and jj is flung into the water. madi was also thrown into the water, not expecting for the boat to stop she lands on her back with a loud smack.

she surfaces the water and holds her back in pain as she tries to stay above water.

"you okay jj?" jb asks looking at the boy.

"i think my heels touched the back of my head" jj groans.

"madi are you okay?" kie asks looking at their friend in the water.

"never better" she says holding up her hand.

"where's j?" madi looks around for her friend.

"right here mads" jj swims over to her. he notices shes in pain so he grabs her waists and helps her stay afloat.

"im good, just give me a sec" madi says and jj lets go of her. madi notices that the pope is looking behind her.

"what? please tell me it's not a jellyfish" madi says swimming towards the boat.

"it's not a jellyfish" jj laughs and splashes her in the face. she goes to splash him back when pope interrupts her.

"guys i think there's a boat down there"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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