A little party never hurt nobody 💃🏻

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I'm laying on my bed, thinking about the whole elevator incident. Maybe I could become friends with Raed. I always thought he's a little socially awkward, but my perception changed now. Just as I'm about to get out of bed, I hear my phone receive a message. I look at it and my heart skips a beat. The first things I see are : It's from a random number and the message ends with "Raed". Okay, so Raed texted me. How did he get my number tho and why. 

"Hi Stella. You seemed really cool in the elevator today so I thought I would invite you to this party I got invited to. It's hosted by some of my friends, you'll know a few of them. If you'd like to come, the party is at 21 Jumpstreet. It starts at about 8. Bring some friends if you want.                    Raed"

Oh. Okay. It's been a while since I've been to a party, since my friends don't throw a lot of them. I mean, I don't have anything other to do, so why not come. Could be fun.

"Angi, please come with me. Please. I don't want to go alone. Invite someone else too and we'll go as a little group." "Well you don't HAVE to go. I don't like partys, you know that" "Pleasee, angelini tortellini. China angelina, Ange Orangi-" "Okay, stop with the weird nicknames. I'll go with you."

Great, I don't have to go alone now.                                                                                                                Angelina is one of my closest friends. She knows a lot about me, so I try very hard not to upset her. Anyway. The party starts in about for hours so my plan is to take a shower, get ready and enjoy the evening.                                                                                                                                                                  ________________________________________________________________________________

Angelina and I are infront of the house in which the party is taking place in. You can see and hear that very clearly. Colorful lights are shining through the windows and you can hear the music outside.                                                                                                                                                                                        "So we just go in?", Angelina asks. We both have not been to many partys. "I guess so"

As soon as we open the door, the smell of alcohol and sweat hits us. Instinctively, Angelina turns around, wanting to leave again, but I grab her arm and turn her back around. We walk further inside and I start seeing some familiar faces. Then I see a particularly familiar face. Johnny.             I don't know what it is about him. I don't even know if you can really call the emotions I have towards him a "crush". It's weird. Maybe it's just because our humor is similar and he's nice. And cute.                                                                                                                                                                                              He spots me and gives me a smile. I smile back, but he has already turned around.                               We go around, watching what the party has to offer. Drinks, snacks, drunk people knocked out on couches, people making out on the balcony and then Angelina and I see Raed with a few people. He's with a few of his friends. Some girls, some boys. Johnny has also joined them.             Raed turns around and welcomes me and Angelina. She basically immediately excuses herself to go get a drink for us, tho. Raed and I have a quick little chat and I join him and his group. They're playing beer pong. Someone suggests that it's my turn and I refuse, but Raed kind of pushes me to the front of the table. He for sure has had something to drink. I play the game and end up drinking more than I had anticipated. Not too much tho. At least, that's how I feel right now.                                                                                                                                                                                              A few more people play, but at some point, everyone is getting bored. That is until someone suggests a new game. "Let's do a little middle school throwback. You guys want to play seven minutes in heaven?"

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