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Yes this is a CHARJORIE fiction, so if you don't like this ship you're free to leave because wtf is wrong with you? Anyway context:

This is set in the charjorie fight- Charlotte's 10 Year anniversary of working with Marjorie and (mia still sends the flowers, however they are just friends) when they go to the pub at lunch, their reminiscing over the last 10 years both internally thinking about their feeling towards one another without acknowledging how they actually feel, Marjorie goes to her office and Charlotte Goes to the bathrooms - both crying. After two hours Marjorie goes to find Char, she finds her at Sara's bar (Drunk). Marjorie tries to get her to go home, when Char doesn't, Marjorie carries her out and takes her back to Marj's house cause she is too drunk to do anything, Marj allows Char to sleep in her bed and Marj goes and sleeps on the couch.

Things that will be in the story (trigger warnings) :


I'll update if there's more! This was a request so thank you to them! <3

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