chapter 1

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Charlotte walks over to the office as Marjorie had wanted to speak to her, she felt her heart racing for no apparent reason at all and subconsciously she had started to mess with the ring on her finger.

She walked into the office “Hey marjorie, I heard you wanted to see me.” she spoke before turning to Reece “Hi Reece.” she added, her fingers still playing with the ring on her finger subconsciously, she hadn't taken it off yet, it felt heavy on her hand but this was the last step if she was to take it off then there's no going back it would be over.

Charlotte knew her and her husband were over anyway but she didn't want to believe it, she didn't want to believe that she had wasted over 10 years with a man that she wasn't going to be together with forever, a man that broke his vows.

“Charlotte.” Reece replied acknowledging her,  “Yes I did my love. Guess what today is.” Marjorie replied with a smile on her face, she smiled in reply “My 10 year anniversary.”

“Your 10 year anniversary!” Marjorie repeated excited, a coffee cup in her hand, “Oh my god, I cannot believe you have worked with me for 10 years.” she replied, her hand going to her chest subconsciously just as Charlotte was playing with the ring on her hand subconsciousnly.

“I know and I can't believe how fast that's gone either.” her voice cracked slightly as she said that, Reece chimed in “10 years. You must have some stories.”

Charlotte turned to him “Oh, well, I...” she was cut off by Marjorie “Oh, Reece, you should see some of the things that Charlotte's had to endure over these 10 years, okay. She's been shouted at, sworn at, screamed at, she's had stuff thrown at her.” Marjorie spoke, reece looked at her slightly shocked and Marjorie still continued.

“she's been vomitted at on, crapped on, peed on, basically anything that has comes out of a body it's gone on her.” Reece looked between the two of them slightly shocked.

“Think she's had someone swing for her once, every Pervy dad we've had had hit on her.” She finishes, Reece looks at Marjorie raising his eyebrow before looking at Charlotte “I see.”

Charlotte laughs slightly and Marjorie's continues “Shes been followed, she's been stalked, that guy turned up at your house, she's been harassed, literally, online as well” Marjorie turns to Charlotte as does Reece “Seriously?” he asks and she just replies with “oh, fun memories!” she says shrugging her shoulders.

“Yeah sounds like cause for a celebration” he says sarcastically, she just laughs and shrugs her shoulders again, the doorbell to the nursery rings and Reece signs in relief “i'll get that.” he says getting up and uncrossing his arms “Thank you” Marjorie says to Reece before turning around to face Charlotte.

“So I was thinking for lunch to celebrate your 10 years should you and me just go to the pub together” she says gesturing between the two, “Awh, that would be lovely” Charlotte replies, “Thank you Marjorie.”

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