Shit. Shit. Shit. Feet slap down on the pavement, as rain gently carrases the my cheeks. The only giveaway theat I've been crying are the red eyes, as the tears and rain mix together.

"Grab her before she gets away!" one of the people chasing me says to his friends. When I finally processed what the man said, I feel hands clamp down on my wrists.

Owww, that really stings. I try to tug my arms away, but he tightens his hold. "Let go of me!!" I yell with the energy I still have, I haven't eaten much today and all the running today has entailed leaves me tired. Maybe a someone will hear me.

"Little lady, you need to learn a lesson about not stealing. Isn't that right boss?"

"Just leave her pretty face alone." The dirty, blond man says gripping my face by the chin. I scowl back, feeling my stomach rumble. "Oh? it looks like she's hungry."

"No shit. Why do you think I grabbed your food?"

"The bitch talks back. Maybe you should shut your mouth before I make you." The boss's goon puts his grimy hand over my mouth.

I bite down hard, as there is no way I'm gonna let them do shit to me. "HELP! HELP ME!" I scream loud enough for people to hear a couple streets over. Someone please save me.

Something red quickly passes my ear. The men that were surrounding me were suddenly pinned against the wall by something the look like red feathers? Feathers? what?

"Hey there, kiddo! Hope you're ok. Anyways I'm just gonna get these guys to the police." Hawks points to the two with his thumb. Giving me a smile he says, "See ya later! Don't get into anymore trouble!" And promptly flys away his catch.

I breathe in deeply, not expecting to actually get saved by a hero. Checking the time on the phone I carry around, I gasp seeing the time is 8:34. Oh no, I'm going to be late. No no no no no no. This can't happen! She will be so pissed at me!

While running out of the alleyway, my eyes catch on a homeless looking man standing on one of the rooftops. Gross, He gives me the heebeegeebees. Yep, home I go.


"And just where have you been, young lady? I provide a roof over your head and food! Show some appreciation and get home on time. Let's see here, you were supposed to be here at 8 and now its just around 8:45." Her brown eyes stare down at me with anger in them. "Now that you are finally home, it's time for punishment."

"S-sorry, I was on my way home when I got stopped by two men."

She steps towards me, and she uses her quirk to break the beer bottles that litered the floor. "Stop with the lies. For everything you did wrong is one hit you get. Being late, lying to me, making your father leave me,  that's 5 hits already plus 15 for all the minutes you were late, and maybe more if you disobey me."

The glass forms into a blob that sweeps my legs to the side, making me fall. After that, it move to form a clear-ish barrier around my mother's foot.

Before I know it, I'm getting kicked in the stomach. I make little grunts as each one lands, and eventually I puke on the floor. It wasn't much, mostly water since you haven't eaten anything but lunch. "Clean that up, then go to your room. I don't want to see you until the morning. Oh, and no food for you since you missed dinner"

"Yes Ma'am."

Save Me From Myself (mha x oc)Where stories live. Discover now