I groan as I toss in bed. My torso hurts so much and it doesn't help the I have the UA exams today. The house is quiet, Mom is still asleep. Now's my time to get out of the house, but first I need to get ready.

I do some makeup after putting on my middle school uniform, which really only consists of eyeliner and mascara. I grab my bag and my shoes to quickly put on and I rush out the door.

6:10, I have about an hour and a half to kill before the exam starts. *stomach grumbles* Maybe I should look for some breakfast.

I scramble my hand around my bag grabbing all the money I have left over from getting groceries last week. I find 5 dollars and some change, that should be enough for something.

The sun has started to rise when I get to the convenience store on the corner by UA. After getting something, I might go to the park near here to hang out until it is time to go test.

The blast of cool air hits my face when I open the door. Upon entering I spot what I'm looking for.

"Morning. Can I help you?" the gruff man at the counter asks.

"No thanks," I reply while grabbing a protein bar off the self. Now, just need to find some orange juice. I walk more around the store until I'm at the back, where the refrigerators are. Aha! There it is! I open the glass door when the door chime rings.

"Hey, Aizawa. Your normal?" The man speaks to the homeless-looking guy I saw last night.

"Mph," Aizawa grumbles walking to the cashier.

"How was work last night? you seem more tired than normal."

"It was fine, I just had to wake up earlier than normal."

I listen to their conversation as Aizawa pays and walks out the door. I head to the register with my orange juice and protein bar. Once setting down the objects, I grab out the money.

"It's gonna be $4.15, sweetheart." I hand over the money, a bit sad to see it go, but still happy that I can eat something this morning. I want some energy for the exam. Who knows what we are doing.

I sip on my juice on the way to the park. It's getting closer to 6:30 am, so there are more people on the streets. They are either going to work or walking their pets.

The greenery enters my sight when I notice a cat walking out of the bushes. It was a black cat with a white chest and throat with green eyes. "Hi there, Where's your owner?" I figured it belongs to someone because it is well fed, and clean. I go to the closest wooden bench and sit down. The cat jumps up next to me, laying down with its head on my lap. I start to pet it while biting into the protein bar I just got. It tastes like cardboard, but for how cheap it was I couldn't complain. I washed the bar down with some more orange juice.

I check to see how much time I have left, it's not much. "I gotta go kitty, but if you are still here when I get back I'll take you home." With that you went on your way to UA.


"Welcome to the UA practical exam, Listeners! Who's ready?!" Present Mic received silence as a response. I felt kinda bad for him. He had so much energy and no one was giving him any in return.

After his little introduction he went into detail about the exam. It will be a ten minute battle against 3 types of fake villains that had different points assigned to them and how kids from the same middle school will be separated.

"Excuse me, but if I will, I have a question. On this handout there are four faux villains, not three! If this is a mistake, than it is highly unbecoming for Japan's top hero school! And you," he yells it all and points to some mumbling kid. "With all your muttering it is quite distracting! Please leave if this is some kind of game to you!"

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