Somethin' Stupid (NSFW) 🚫🛑

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Pairing: Violet Bridgerton + Portia Featherington


"Violet I believe that's enough" Portia gasped. The women at her neck whined as she drank and drank from the humans neck. Violet pinned the woman's hands above her head and growled. They were both on the bed in Portia's personal quarters. Violet finally stopped and looked at her blood bag.

"Who said it's enough." Violet smirked at her causing slick from between Portia's thighs to grow and leak down her thighs. She rubbed them together to create friction to relieve herself. The floral scent that the woman gave off was making her head spin.

With a small soft gasp that turned into a whimper Portia tried to wiggle free from the Vampire's tight grip. Violet grabbed her waist with a bruising grip and forced her still. Portia's hair was spread against the pillows, a goddess, Violet would call her. This was one of the times that Violet would get carried into a frenzy and ravish her human. A night of passion would go along with it.

A moan gracefully left Portia's mouth. Violet slowly lifted Portia's nightgown, slowly making her way to Portia's aching core. With a smile Violet positioned herself in between her big hips. "You don't know what you do to me when I see you like this." Violet groaned.

"Please Violet." cried the woman under her desperate to relieve herself of the lustful pain.

Violet silently shushed the woman underneath her and began kissing Portia's neck leaving small little bruises behind. Her fingers found what her husband couldn't. With light touches in circular motions Portia gasped a moan and bucked her hips.

It's what she's been waiting for, the past week Violet has been leaving her hot and bothered leaving her to clean the mess she made of her.

Violet repositioned her hand entering two fingers into Portia and using her thumb to continue to rub at her clit. Portia couldn't help but moan out loud as Violet hit her g-spot.

With kiss the vampire silenced her, all she could do was moan into their kiss. "V-violet!" Portia threw her head back into the pillows. "Shh" Violet bit Portia on the opposite side of her neck making matching marks on each side of her neck.

Upon letting go with a small groan she asked the person beneath her

"Tell me what you want Portia or I can read your mind and perform every act of sin right here, right now." Violet kissed the woman. Portia could taste her own blood on the others tongue and lips.

"Please make me cum" Portia gasped as Violet attacked her sweet spot making her moan louder and louder. With swift hands the fanged lady groped the other above her clothes. Stroking her fingers faster and achieving something she wanted for awhile.

With a shuddering moan, Portia released her grip she didn't know she had on the sheets. "Oh dear god" She groaned as she panted. Violet sucked her fingers clean while kept eye contact with Portia.

"Do you must have to do that? " Portia looked away flushing.

"I want to savor you." Violet grinned.

Who knew that the Viscountess would be a Vampire preying on her neighbor for blood and sex? Who even knew she would be a Vampire. When Violets thirst for blood would control her she would be uncontrollable.

Feeling her neck Portia gasped as she sat up straight. "Did you really have to bit me all over?" Portia groaned being dramatic.

"You asked for it. Lock your window next time." Violet got off the bed and grabbed her coat. Looking at the lady's vanity she couldn't help but smirk as she grabbed something off of it putting it in her coat pocket.

Without notice Violet left the estate happy as ever.

With a sigh Portia changed her clothes and fell asleep with a groan. Tomorrow she would half to wear her hair down.

At the Bridgerton house Benedict confronted his mother.

"Did you go out by yourself? Again?" Benedict complained.

"No. I visited someone." Violet smiled at her son.

"You know were not suppose to go out by ourselves at night. You could've been injured if you stayed out to long. You could've been caught." He continued.

Violet raised her hand to cease the talking of her son. Reaching into her coat pocket she placed her souvenir onto her vanity. "As I said. I visited someone for a favor." Violet sighed.

"Of course mother" Benedict looked at his mom with a small smile and exited his mothers personal quarters.

The next morning Portia was furious she couldn't find her hairbrush. Varley had to buy another one quickly. Portia knew who had it and she was furious. She's been taking things from her one after another without her knowing.

Portia exited the house well-dressed and prepared to confront Lady Bridgerton about her 'favors'.

"Lady Bridgerton, you have a visitor." One of her servants entered the drawing room.

"This behavior is starting to be unacceptable Violet." Portia walked into the drawing room. Fury in her eyes as she huffed. Benedict and Eloise were sitting on the couch in front of their mother.

"That didn't bother you last night." Violet smirked knowing the reason why her neighbor has decided to confront her.

Benedict knowing what Lady Featherington was talking about immediately got up and dragged Eloise with him. Eloise with was flabbergasted as she looked at the two.

"Why must you do this over and over again?" Portia turned her back to the lady and fidgeted with her gloves and turned to look at the women once again.

Violet just smirked and sipped her drink with a knowing smirk that Portia knew too well. Before Portia could even rush out of the room she found herself pinned to the wall, moaning the others name as if it were a prayer.

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