Out for Love

130 6 0

Pairings: Violet Bridgerton + reader (Maid)

Warning: Light Angst? Past Character death

The sound of rain that continued to put down onto the manor of the Bridgerton's was starting to feel like a dream. Y/n would still be hesitant to step out in the rain in case her lady would be in need of something. But tonight was different. There was no noise. Surely the children would play about the house but there was nothing. 

Was there a ball that you don't know of? But then again your lady would be getting dressed about this time for a ball. The silence almost unbearable. Of course there was maids busying themselves as they cleaned themselves up and were ready to turn in for the night. 

The whistling of a kettle was hear and you turned around with a sigh, stepping away from the window. The grey clouds were so fluffy they almost looked good to eat. Your turned off the stove top and continues to one of the cupboards to receive a tea cup for yourself. Sleeping was almost difficult due to the loud thunder that could be heard. 

Just as you started to pour yourself some hot water the door to the kitchen opened. Assuming it was your friend you ignored it. "Ashley, love, would troubles you?" You asked. Ashley was another maid for the Bridgerton's. But she was younger then you. You often looked after the little one as you would go on about a day. So, it was unusual for her to be here in the kitchen when everyone was heading to sleep. 

"Ashley?" Another voice came almost in a soft whisper in which you almost missed. You put the kettle back onto the stove and grabbed a tea bag. You turned around quickly. "Apologies, My lady. I thought you were someone else." You quickly bowed and stood there nervously. 

"No need to apologize, Ms. Y/n" The other lady smiled sadly toward you. 

"Would you like some tea, Lady Bridgerton?" You asked as you break the small silence during the time she sat down at the small counter. "Yes, please." She was in her day clothes still as she looked about in the kitchen. You handed her your cup that was already made and took out another cup for yourself. She thanked you as you slid her the cup. 

Her blue lingered too long to be a genuine thank you. 

"Anything for you my lady." You smiled back to her as you poured yourself another cup. 

You silently sat down a further from her to acknowledge the power difference from you both. "If I may, my lady." You started which gained a nod from her for you to continue to speak. "Why did you come to the servant quarters." You asked. 

You slowly sipped on your chamomile tea infused with a little bit of jasmine. She took a deep breath and sighed. "Just have a few things on my mind." She said and you nodded to make sure your not stepping over her boundaries. 

"How do you do it?" She asked which broke the silence once again. "How do I do what? My lady?" You tilted you head in confusion. "I've been in a bad mood this morning. I yelled at you and some other maids." Violet looked away from you avoiding eye contact. "Well my lady, you get used to it. I have worked since I was a little girl. Yelling never makes things easier but your were just exhausted." You excused her anger from this morning. 

"Who's Ashley?" She whispered as she stared at her tea in front of her then looked at you. "Ashley." You repeated giving a small chuckle and smile at her name. "Ashley is like daughter to me. Her parents died when she was the age of 5. Having to live with her cruel aunt." You sighed as you heard another sound of thunder. 

"Oh I'm sorry to hear." Violet sipped her tea. "Yes, well. She works here with me and I swore to protect her from anything. I know I probably can't do much but I love her dearly, my lady." You gave her a soft smile. 

Having to talk to her about other topics got your mind of the girl's parents, your sister, you talked about the garden and it's favorable flowers that grew inside. About two hours have almost gone by at this point. Violet covered her mouth as she yawned. "My lady, you should get to bed. I will be up momentarily to help you change." You grabbed her cup and yours and put it in the sink. 

"I can wait." Violet said as she looked at you. 

You smiled and nodded as you cleaned the dishes and rinsed them off and set them on a drying rack. As you were doing so, you couldn't help but get lost in your thoughts. Why did you call yourself cruel? Surely you were only doing what was best for the girl. You loved your sister dearly and her husband. He was the closest that you have gotten to a brother. The girl was only 14 and she was working for the Bridgerton's as a maid. You couldn't help but feel guilty as you made her work.

You didn't want her to follow in your footsteps but it was a must as you both were trying to survive in a "man's world". Though you never found yourself attracted to men, not after what your father had did to you and your sister. You did fancy the woman that was behind you watching you as you worked. She was rather kind and a bit shy.

You let out a rather deep sigh and turned around with a smile. You accompanied your lady back up to her room. You waited until she was ready to change into her nightgown. Slowly you loosen the dress she wore and let it drop to the floor. The air was rather cold causing a Violet to shiver and gasp as you slowly undid her corset and ran your fingers over her shoulder blades and lower back to relax her muscles. 

She seemed rather tense tonight. It wasn't unusual due to the stress she's been bombarded with. With a nightgown all picked out, you helped her inside the night wear. You took in her features as you started taking the pins out of her hair. Her hair was soft and smelled of lavender. You took the brush that sat on the vanity and brushed it through her hair. Gently, you massaged her scalp which she let out a small moan too. She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the small massage. 

She made her way to her bedchambers and laid down in her bed. You bowed and said goodnight just as you were about to walk about you heard her voice once again. 

"Stay? Lay in bed with me. Please." She said as looked at you. 

"Only if you want me too, my lady." You bowed. 

"Violet. Please call me Violet." She whispered as you got closer to the bed. 

"Yes, m-Violet." You looked at her. She pushed up the covers and moved over so that there would be enough room for you to lay down. As you did she wrapped an arm around you unexpectedly and you inhaled her scent as if you were to never wake up. Ashley were to notice that you were missing in a few hours. 

"Why did you call yourself cruel?" Violet asked. 

"Because I am. I never meant for her parents to die. I never wanted her to work for higher ups in society." You explained. You slowly brushed your fingers through her soft hair as her breathing seemed to slow down. 

"She wants to be a writer." Violet said as you noticed sleep was lacing her voice. 

"I know." You whispered. Another few minutes passed by and she seemed to be asleep. You admired the way all stress found a way to be released from her facial features and the way she looked so peaceful. Stressful this day has been. 

"I love you, my lady Violet Bridgerton." You yawned slowly falling asleep.

"I love you too, Y/n" She held you tighter afraid that you were to leave her soon as Edmund did. Surely this was not your last time in her bed. 

Requested on Ao3 by Itsgabiiy (May or may not be a continued story on Ao3)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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