Too Sweet

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Pairing: Violet Bridgerton + Portia Featherington (MINOR) Penelope Featherington + Colin Bridgerton

Warning: Mommy issues

As Violet inhaled the scent of flowers that reminded her of her mother. She couldn't help but look to her left as her now friend sat on the bench with her.

"Portia?" She asked as she started off in the distance watching as other Lords and Ladies' children ran about at played in the park. With a hum, Portia answered almost immediately. Portia looked at the other mother her brows furrowed as she watched her. Of course, the evening stroll they both had came on was to clear their minds after some mind blowing sex they just had at Violets household.

"I find it funny that we met almost every Tuesday night." Violet said as she took her gaze off the little ones in the distance. Portia chewed her bottom lip and sighed. "I find it funny how you always like to think about this very deeply." Portia fidgeted with her fingers. "I wonder what your mother would think about you now." Portia stood up smoothing out her dress and pulling down her small blouse to correct it.

 "She would say that I'm thinking too much. Just as you stated earlier." Violet tilted her head as she thought more about it. "Oh sweetie." Portia smiled at the lady who remained seated on the wooden bench. The sun was going down faster than before. Leaving the sky to be painted a nice orange and pink color.

Portia redirected her attention to the sky and chewed her bottom lip. "I miss her you know. My mother. I find her so much in you." Violet got up from the bench as walked forward toward her lover. "Now Lady Bridgerton. You must stop this mushiness with me." Portia turned to the other lady. "Yes Mama." Violet said, realizing what she said covered her mouth and looked wide eyed at Portia who was blushing madly as she chewed her bottom lip.

"What did you call me?" Portia asked.

"Um, i-it's getting rather late? I believe I should t-turn in for the evening." Violet fidgeted with her hands, she couldn't remain eye contact with the other. "No, Violet Bridgerton. Did you just call me your mother? And yet I thought you would like to keep everything in the bedroom." Portia teased the woman.

With a groan Violet covered her face. "My apologies Portia." The name felt almost nice to say. "I agree we must return in for the evening." Portia said as she started walking off making Violet look at the woman quickly. "We?!" Violet nearly shouted. "What do you mean we?!" Violet rushed to catch up with the lady wearing a nice sea foam green dress with lace for the arms.

"You said something and now your going to do something about it." Portia couldn't but smirk at the lady who was flustered. "I-I didn't mean to say it." Violet harshly whispered to the other. "Well maybe you should watch your mouth next time, Lady Bridgerton."

They both had gone back to the Featherington household as they both would make noises they didn't believe they would hear from one another. A second time in one day could've been a record they wanted to brake but as their duty's lay ahead of them they made sure it count as did the other days they made up. Of course the unplanned mommy issues, Violet has seemingly slipped out couldn't help but due a favor to the pair as Violet would sneak out late at night back to her residence. On the way back home she couldn't help but notice another figure standing outside none other then Penelope Featherington's window.



Requested on Ao3 by ilikemilfsandicannotlie

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