Chapter One

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College wasn't number one on my list of growing up. I never thought it would serve me any good after Highschool to waste more money for a meaningless job, already as an African American female it would be harder to find jobs, that thought was blown out of my head, straight into water.

When I had gotten a scholarship to attend the very same university my older sister Jocelyn was attending. It seemed cliche, attending the same school as her.

She all right begged me to attend it with her. She was in her second to last year majoring in criminology, leaving me to take the more easier route with Psychology to become a therapist. My rounded eyes followed the scene of the scenery rushing across my brown eyes at a fast pace.

The cab seats were uncomfortable the leather digging into my thighs from my shorts. My eyes followed the sight of a large campus, like I was thrown right into the sights of a vampire movie.

High raised buildings, the gate creaking open with the yellow cab driving through. I studied people sitting on the grasses and around benches and different areas laughing. I felt a bundle of nerves once the cab pulled up.

I slipped out a few bills passing them to the driver, sliding across the back seats to get out. I climbed over the seat with a grunt securing my backpack, wheeling my luggage behind me.

The chill in the autumn air felt sinister and creepy. A few people lifting their heads up curiosity laced through them. Others looking the other way.

I fished my hand through my pocket with a sigh, swiping open the map to Gilmore University it was like a maze scanning for the girl dorm side B. My teeth gnawing at my lower lip in a bitter function. This is going to take forever.

Like I had predicted it took me thirty whole minutes to find my new dorm. I was out of breath yanking my suitcase behind, the numbers of 306 staring at me. I pushed open the doors seeing three beds spread around a decently large room.

One side was decorated and I could recognize the taste of my sister. There was a girl on the other bed, leaving the third one empty. Her large curls moving while she looked up confused before a look of realizing flashed across her light skin.

"I totally forgot Jocelyn's sister was rooming with us this semester! Hi there I'm Amy your sister's friend." She hopped over off her bed rushing towards me. I set all my stuff down, offering her a smile taking her hand that was outstretched towards me.

"Yes that's me. Hi I'm Cassie." I greeted her with my own smile. She seemed friendly enough, helping me place my things on my side of the shared room.

"I'm sorry your sister isn't here to be greeting you and welcoming you with arms, she's been spending all her time over at the Astaroth, its there yearly party." She rolled her eyes causally. I slowly set on the edge of my empty bed speaking my confusion.

"Astaroth?" I questioned with a slight laugh running my hands down and over my shorts. Amy nodded a couple times making a face that was twisted full of emotions.

"One of the few sororities here. They are kinda hard-core and not the usual bad boy and girls want of ins. It's more dark like there's a rumor already surrounding Gilmore-" The female shook her head a couple times.

"Nah I don't wanna scare you, the freshmen away already." She laughed it off, already striking my curiosity I wanted her to continue. Yet I let it be I was exhausted and wanted to rest. The both of us chatted for some times before Amy showed me my sides of things, offered to show me around the large gothic structure. Before my eyes I had fallen asleep on my bed.

When my eyes reopens it was from the loud vibrating coming from my phone beside me. I sat up, groggy from the unknown sleep that hit me. I held the weight of my phone in my palm, my tired eyes looking a tender new message.

Amy:Hey Cassie I wouldn't ask this of you cause its your first day, I can't get a hold of your sister and we have class tomorrow. I think she is still over at the sorority can you get her please please!

My own quiet groans left from my lips. My free hand scratching at my temple a couple times. I forget we exchanged numbers. A
Part of me didn't want to go, I wanted to sleep I still had to find my own classes.

She was still my family. I typed out my response getting the directions for it.

My form slipped on my slides and grabbed a jacket from my backpack to toss around myself. I left outside of the door walking across the grass. I kept my phone pressed to my palm studying it. My feet walking on their own wondering if I was lost.

When I lifted my head up to rub across my heavy eyelids. I held my breath at the sight of the building. Neon purple lights could be seen flashing across the lawn the loud base of music. There were people outside drinking from dark blue plastic cups. This building like the rest of campus was dark.

My feet still moving. I walked across the lawn, the front door wide open. I stepped inside the sight, my mouth almost dropped open people were making out, drinking dancing sensually with the bass music.

Now inside. I recognized the music of The beautiful people by Marilyn Manson. People were having sex out in the open. I couldn't even gawk look away shy like.

People were cutting themselves on there necks to taste blood. Straight out of a vampire movie I could see the symbols of the devil the goats, and horns all alike.

My sister is involved with this seen? There's no way. She was more of the type to say this was white people stuff, she never was into the gothic scene. I was moving through the people.

A guy leaning against the grey well tried to hand me a cup licking at his piercings across his lips. I declined politely shaking my head no.

How the hell was I going to find her in this darkness fog? My head felt dizzy the more I walked through the fog and music. My skin felt tingly this feeling that I always had felt since I was child hit me. Like it was lust and boredom.

It was like a ticking time bomb, A fire. And the emotion it lead me straight into a wide open room. Sitting on a large black chair was a long haired white boy, sharp features his legs tossed over the arm rest with two pale girls resting on his lap.

He was chatting with other guys around him smiling and casual, watching some girls who were dancing and drinking like it was seductive swaying. No man should be that enchanted.

Through a rough struggle with the bubble of emotions in my belly. I managed to break away from his intense gaze of curious eyes when I saw my sister passed out by the edge of his throne like chair, her arms bleeding. It seemed as she was barely breathing. Pale as a ghost skin.

Abstract terror shot through me. I ran so quickly shouting her name I drop down beside her.

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