Chapter Two

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My father was an ignorant fool of a man. Although he had three sons me included. His lust for greed shined through him like the many sins of a man.

The society was all me and brothers knew of Atticus and Draven were older, so it was only natural that they carried the burden of the factions in colleges first. Before it then carried on to me when I was of age.

They said the society was closer to hell, the devil than anyone else the sacrifices to Satan and the devil himself. Our members of the hearts died always, bleeding themselves down to our lord and savoir.

And I had to carry the burden as well as soon as I started at Gilmore. The University we were to spread to grow the society hoping one day we pleased the devil enough to join him.

I attended it there, I then took over the faction of the society Astaroth. Our Sorority was full of devoted members they devoted themselves to me every single day. To get into it you had to be willing to sacrifice your soul, mind and body. Physically and mentally.

Were you willing to die for the devil?

The night filled with its usual long lasting for the initiation, music, drugs and beer. The sweet scent of metallic blood on my lips as I slowly licked it away with my warm long tongue , and through my nose.

Two girls seated on my lap devoting themselves to me. Jocelyn was an interesting case, she was just curious wondering if we really summoned demons, devils and all the darkness.

She would be fine after passing out. My mind mixed with my usual boredom. It was all thrown from me when A young girl was exclaiming rushing to drop down by her side.

How strange.. It was like I had known her all my life looking into her brown eyes of fury like she could attack me. My eyes scanned her while she pressed her hands to Jocelyn, while frantic speaking towards her.

"You are such a dumbass! How are you just sitting here?! She's dying." My own eyes blinked rapidly. I spoke sitting up further gently urging the two girls aside to go mingle what better way to show yourself them by lust and or death?

My eyebrows raised while I spoke to this mystery girl who just rushed in here.

"Jocelyn said she wanted to devote herself to me. I tested her to see how far she would go. If death for her, she would do as she felt." It was an obvious answer.

I got a few dark chuckles from my friends around me. The girl growled seeming to annoyed yanking the jacket off she tied it around Jocelyn's wrist. My body tensed up in surprise. I could feel her anger, the madness as she picked up Jocelyn holding her up stumbling a bit.

"Fucking weirdos." She hissed out. My eyes grew wide. My heart hurting my mind heavy like a brick was smashed onto it, like I need to speak up and get this girl to stop in her tracks.

Both of them disappearing from my sight down the halls. I felt it the heavy. I sat up further my eyes narrowing.

Father what the fuck did you do...?

She can't be dead I refuse to believe it. I placed Jocelyn's heavy body onto her bed, taking off her lace clothing. I scrambled to rush to the bathroom finding some bandages and cleaning spray.

I rushed back over to her. The sticky sensation of her dried blood on my hands and body. I ended up dropping the can of spray fumbling. I sprayed it across her open wounds getting the bleeding to stop.

She was mumbling incoherent speech. I looked at her, tears brimming at the edge of my eyes. She was so stupid. I sat there holding her bandaged hands extreme worry. How could she be so stupid?

The following morning my eyes were heavy. I heard a stir from Jocelyn. I perked up looking away from changing my outfit for my first real day focused on her sitting up.

"There's pain pills right there." I commented grabbing my sling bag, I held it watching her grumble to herself holding at her face a couple times.

"How much did to see?" She almost died and that's the first thing she is asking? I wanted to scoff, touching up on my light makeup of eyeliner and some foundation I spoke.

"Enough where you were half dead laid out by some vampire throne. A sex goth party." She scoffed out a laugh chuckling.

"It's not like that I promise. That was just Salem." She muttered standing up, with a groan. She moved around me to head into the bathroom shutting the door. I stare oddly at the close door.

"What is Salem, Jocelyn? Don't tell me you are in a cult?"I spat it out. It created some loud laughter from her. This was funny to her? She almost died.

"What no! It's not a cult, it's a sorority I'm trying to join. Kinda like in those stupid ones in books that are filled with bad boys and stuff. This one so just happens to be more dark with Satanism and the devil. They say it's connected with witch's and black magic too." I stared at the bathroom door with such a complex look. She really had changed in two years.

"And Salem?" I exclaimed like she was crazy. I rushed away from the door when she came out looking at me with a small grin.

"He is the very attractive long haired guy who was sitting on the throne, he runs the sorority with his friend Damon and Adonis. They have this party at the beginning of the year initiation basically. You devoted yourself to the three of them. His dad Mr. Lucien owns like a ton of universities." She gushed out so happily while brushing her teeth roughly with the pink tooth brush, grabbing her outfit for the day.

"I don't know about you sis, but you don't find it strange that to get into a sorority is to devote yourself to the three leaders, bleed yourself over the symbol of the devil. I saw people drinking each others blood, sex in the open are you like okay in the head?" I exclaimed my brown eyes wide. She just shook her head at me rushing back into the bathroom shutting out the toothpaste in the sink.

"That's why I don't recommend you joining it. It's too extreme for you." I opened my mouth to protest at her. That she almost died last night doing a ritual, the alarm going off my phone altered me that I needed to find my first class of the day.

"Okay uhm maybe we can catch up later. I gotta go." I informed her. She waved at me with a chuckle. I just found it odd and sick to my stomach. it was all evil in nature.

I left the room walking down the halls of the dorm, I felt a shiver down my neck this rush of emotion through my soul. It was annoyance and rudeness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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