Ambulance Crash

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Gabby's POV

It had been a slow day, Shay and I decided to inventory the ambo. As we were working on that Antonio showed up Hey guys he said walking towards the chief office. Hey Tonio, I said Shay waved. Then we went back to doing inventory. A little bit later we got a call from Ambulance 61 man down from unknown causes at 651 Walbash. Let's go I yell and so we jump into the Ambo and speed off to the victim.

Casey's Pov

Antonio had just walked into the Cheif's office when the alarm sounded Ambo 61 Man down from unknown causes 651 Walbash. We heard the Ambo sirens as they drove off then we began talking about the recent gang violence. It had only been like 10 minutes since Ambo 61 left when we got a call from Turck 81 Squad 3 Engine 51 Battolin 25 Ambulance Crash 561 Walbash Antiono was the only person to speak after that and he said what we were all thinking he said isn't that we're Ambo 61 is supposed to be I nodded my head before running off.

Gabby's Pov

What happened is what I want to know. One minute we were racing the scene the next I saw this semi truck flying towards us and then my whole world went black. I was awoken by the sound of screams and sirens. When I opened my eyes I could feel my head pounding and my leg aching I sall where I was lying 30ish feet away from the ambo I must have been thrown from it as I remember being in the ambo with Shay I heard her voice saying I can't find Dawson she must have been thrown. I wanted to scream I'm over here but I couldn't. I tried to stay awake for longer but I split back into unconsciousness.

Casey's pov

When we got there we were all in shock at the horror the ambo was on fire and destroyed, I had my men and 51 put out the fire. Meanwhile, Severide and I went to check on Shay and Dawson but when we got there we sall Shay frantically looking for Dawson. Shay, Severide yelled she looked at him with fear in her eyes Kelly I can't find Daeosn she must have been thrown Shay cried she was in pain but mostly worried about Dawson we had paramedics take over. I went to the group to tell them what was happening I hadn't noticed Antonio but I was about to. Alright, guys we need to find Dawson she was thrown from the ambo and is probably injured so when you find her don't move her got it? Got it they all yelled. I noticed Antonio frantically running around he just heard me say his sister was thrown from the ambo this isn't going to end well.

Antonio's Pov

Today started normal but now my little sister is missing because she was thrown from her ambo and we need to find her. I watched as Turck 81 and Squad 3 searched for her. I Decided that I wanted to help so I started looking for her I was calling for her like everyone else as I turned the corner I sall her unconscious and bleeding I immediately ran over to her trying to stop the bleeding but she needed more help than I could give her so I shouted for help while trying to wake her up. No one was coming to help so I shouted again hoping someone would hear me, my sister needed help fast while I was busy trying to get help I didn't notice her starting to wake up.

Gabby's POV

I woke up to Antonio yelling for help, Tonio I said weakly he turned around and smiled at me Hey sis how do you feel he asked sitting down next to me. c-a-n'-t b-r-e-a-t-h, I say while taking a breath between each letter shh Antionio says I know it hurts but please stay strong for me S-H-A-Y, I managed to say She's fine Gabby She was more worried about you than anything Antiono reassured me. Just then I heard Matt yell Gabby where are you? I wanted to scream but Antiono stopped me where over here Casey he said so Casey ran over and got me on the backboard the last thing I remember is McAuley saying Dawson you should be dead before I fell unconscious again.

None Pov

Later at the hospital, everyone was waiting to hear news about Dawson. She coded on the way to the hospital and everyone was worried about her until finally a doctor came out and said Dawson was out of surgery and should make a full recovery she asked to see Antonio and Casey they both went over to her and Antonio lets Casey in first and he says to her Gabby don't ever do that again. She chuckled and they shared a very long kiss before he walked out of the room Antonio walked in and said Gabby if you ever dare scare me like that again I swear to god I will have a heart attack. I'm sorry Tonio I didn't mean to scare you Gabby said sort of meaning it. te amo Hermano Gabby says te amo Hermana Antonio they talked till Gabby fell asleep everyone but Antiono went home he stayed with Gabby.

Sorry for the kind of odd ending, I need to find sh this and I was running out of time but here it is

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