Ouch (Salvis)

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POV: Sal Fisher

Warnings: Abuse, Blood, Cursing.

Ty @aster9068 for giving me the idea :3

I was laying in my bed, drifting off to sleep with Gizmo in my arms, when suddenly, there was knocking at the door that woke us both up completely. Gizmo hops out of my arms and struts sassily over to the closet and lays down. I stare at the wall when whoever is at the door knocks again. I sigh and stand up. I grab my mask and put it on, buckling only the top buckles. I walk over to my door and open it, walking to the front door. I unlock it and open it ever so slightly to see who is at the door.

"Travis.?" "Hi, sal.." "Why are you here so late? Are you okay?" "Uh.. Kind of.?" "Here, come in." I say as I open the door fully. I now get a full look of him. He's bleeding and bruised? "What the- What happened??" I ask. Travis doesn't respond to me and just nervously walks inside. "Here, let's get you patched up, Trav." I say as I lead him to my room. "Sit down. I'm gonna go grab some bandages."


I walk back into my bedroom and Travis Is sitting on the floor next to gizmo. "What the hell happened, Trav?" "Father got mad at me" Travis mumbles. I fucking hate Kenneth. He's Satan on earth. "What in the hell did he get mad about?" "I'm not really sure why he was mad.. He just was. I think he was drinking."

I sigh and set the stuff from the bathroom into the floor. "Can you remove your shirt?" "That's very gay, Fisher." Travis jokes. "Yeah yeah yeah. Just take it off." Travis removes his shirt as he chuckles a bit. "holy shit? What the hell did he hit you with??" "I don't know. I had my eyes closed the whole time." I sigh again, shaking my head. "Your hair looks nice down!" Travis says. "Why thank you!" I say as I grab some hydrogen peroxide. Travis Hates hydrogen peroxide, but it's better than an infection. "Noooo not thatttt" Travis whines. "This will hurt less than an infection, Y'know." "Ughhhh fiiineee". I laugh a bit and grab a cotton ball. "What if your missing eye got put in a cotton ball packaging" Travis says. "What if I beat you in the head with a bible?" "*gasp* You wouldn't dare do that, Fisher!" "Watch me, Phelps!" We giggle for a moment.

"Okay 3.. 2..1.." I say as I press the cotton ball onto a wound on Travis's side. "YEOOWCHHH" "oh hush it's not THAT bad!" "It's really that bad!" "Totallyyyy" 

(Time skip cuz lazy)

I finally finished disinfecting and wrapping up Travis' wounds. "Well.. Now that you're here.. Wanna sleep over??" I ask. "Hmmm I don't know.. Do I?" Travis responds. "Yes." I Say. "Welp, then I suppose I do wanna stay over!" "Yay!" "I'm gonna take my mask off now." I say as I unbuckle the buckles and stand up to set it back on the nightstand. Travis whistles and I throw the water bottle I had on the nightstand at him. 

I know this chapter sucks but idc ok. And also, 2 chapters in one day? ayeeeeee

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