🌨️Christmas Flurries🌨️

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Requested by: @Ishartinyourcereal

-Saisy /r

Wow!? Abigail posted a one shot?!?! Sorry I've been missing for quite some time. It's just I'm currently working on another book and also tryna improve my mental health. As well as studying for my final coming up. But this takes place around Christmas so hope you enjoy!!

It was a chilly December weekend and Daisy was sitting in her living room sipping a piping hot cup of white hot chocolate. To many peoples distaste she stilled loved it.

Then her phone rang, it was Sadie? Quickly she picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hi Daisy, everyone from school is at the lake. They're all just hanging out and having fun. You should come out of your house." Sadie spoke on the other end.

Then she heard Stacy, "Yeah Daisy come on over! The whole school is here!"

"Okay, hold up I need to change. I'll see you guys in 15." She answered hanging up and setting down her cup before going to go get ready.


She was walking out in the brisk cold it was already past sunset and she felt a little chilly. As Daisy got closer to the lake area she heard lots of commotion and sounds of joy.

It made her smile a little once she got there, she saw Henry, Liam, and Drew having a snowball fight. Faye, Dominic, and Elliot walking together on one of the trails.

Then a bonfire nearby came into her view, it was Sadie and Stacy. Grinning she went over to the two girls and sat down on one of the dry logs.

"Great to see you Daisy," Stacy smiled at her.

She beamed at them brightly, "It's good to see you both, this fire feels nice."

Sadie nodded, "We took over 10 minutes to light it."

The trio chatted for a while talking about how their winter break was going so far. Sadie left for a moment before returning with hot coca. "I got you the white chocolate one."

"Thank you." She smiled blowing on it to cool it.

"A little strange, white chocolate? Wouldn't that be just sweet flavored milk?" Stacy asked.

"Sorta but I like it cause it doesn't have that stale aftertaste." Daisy shrugged taking a sip.

Her eyes darted around her surroundings, there was barely any daylight left as lamps and other things began to turn on.

She saw lights on some of the trees glow along with some lanterns. She also noticed how the lights hit the snow perfectly giving it that magical glow.

Then she turned her head and saw people skating on the lake holding lights. Some were dancing, others being silly. One couple that stood out to her were Luke and Zander.

Zander was shaking while Luke attempted to teach him how to skate. She chuckled and then Milly darted across the ice on her stomach. She was squealing in delight and joy.

Daisy got a little warm feeling in her stomach, she loved seeing everyone all happy especially around her favorite time of the year. Her eyes continued looking around excited to see more joy in other people.

She saw Lia and Maria building a snowman talking and laughing along with Zoey just sitting there with a frown.

"Whatcha looking for?" Stacy asked grabbing her attention.

"Oh just everyone and every where." She hummed happily before taking another drink of her hot chocolate.

Her eyes looked around once more something caught her attention. It was Sean, he was sitting by himself on a park bench under one of the glowing trees. Why was he alone?

"I'll be back in a bit girls." She said getting up and going in his direction. As she walked along the path someone whisked past her nearly making her fall.

"Jake! Oh sorry Daisy." Hailey said coming up to her. It looked as if she had just been chasing him.

"It's alright." She smiled her usual sweet smile.

"Sorry Daisy!"

Jake called in the distance still running off. Hailey sighed and yelled as she ran after him, "You idiot! You're going to fall! And get back here!"

Daisy laughed a little watching the two singers run off. She found it very amusing, but then her mind set back onto Sean. She slowly approached him with her cup in hand.

"Sean?" She tapped his shoulder.

He looked over and took out an earbud, "Hi Daisy. Can I help ya?"

"Why are you sitting alone?" She asked sitting beside him. He blushed a little when their shoulders touched.

"I'm just listening to music and enjoying the snow."

"Oh that's nice." She said taking another sip of her drink.

He nodded, "Yeah, it is. Would you like to listen too?"

She looked up at him with stars in her eyes before nodding eagerly. He handed her a earbud and beautiful melodies filled her head.

She felt like she was in heaven. Just then it began to snow, Daisy looked around in awe, she felt like she was in a fairytale.

Sean chuckled when he saw her face full of wonder, "You look pretty cute."

She looked over at his surprised, a hint of red became apparent on her cheeks. He blushed embarrassed, "O-oh sorry."

They didn't say a word for a while, just looking at each other. Daisy shook her head and smiled at him. Without another thought she just leaned in and gently kissed his cheek.

Nervously she looked at him, both their faces were flushed red. "Thank you."

The final words that escaped her mouth, they didn't speak again after that. They sat on that bench watching the snow fall and listening to the calming music.

Okay I hope you liked it! One of the one shots that I'm pretty proud of. I really like writing about Daisy in general so I enjoyed making this. Anyways hope this holds up to your expectations. I worked really hard on it and sorry, you requested this a week ago. I'll be publishing my next request in 10000000 years.

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