Chapter 4.61 - Venture 17 / TINA 6

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The doors to individual sections weren't as thick as the main blast door of the lab. Venture had always hoped the other countermeasures would be enough to deter intruders. If it were just Midas or just Ava, they probably would've been enough.

Venture had never planned on winning this battle. The world was safe for now. Venture and TINA could take a loss in the meantime.

That didn't mean Venture wasn't going to put on a good showing though.

TINA killed the flood of power to the room. Ronin's unconscious body dropped to the floor. The sword landed beside him. Its vibration hadn't reengaged, which meant it was tied to Ronin somehow or had a failsafe to prevent someone from using it.

Venture leapt for it anyway.

As he tumbled across the living room floor, the biomech ripped the door free. Its bulk squealed against the doorframe as it forced its way inside.

Venture grabbed the sword and looked up at his opponent.

The biomech towered over him, its dome scraped against the ceiling tiles. Armaments unfolded from its forearms—stun clubs, sonic disruptors, and multiple gun barrels.

A distorted approximation of Ava's voice came through the mech's speakers. "Give it up, Magnus. It's over."

"Do it, TINA."

Power bombarded the room, jumpstarting the vibro-blade It hummed back to life.

The biomech stomped forward. It shoved aside the kitchen table, sending it skidding across the floor. The mech swung at Venture, its stun club crackling with electricity.

Venture swung.

The vibro-blade passed through the mech's forearm as easily as it passed through air. The severed club and chunks of metal fell to the ground. Venture had been prepared for that, otherwise the ease of the swing would've caught him off guard.

But the mech's fist didn't stop. The follow-through swing slammed into Venture's chest, tossing him clear across the room. He tumbled across the ground and slammed into the far wall.

Venture gasped. His chest spasmed and his arms quivered as he fought to stand.

The original Mutagen-K gave Class 2 strength and resilience, but Venture was slightly stronger thanks to TINA's tampering with the formula and other nanites in his system. Even altogether it had been barely enough to survive a direct hit.

The sword lay still against the wall. Venture grabbed it anyway.

"The vibro-blade is offline," TINA said. "I don't have the power to maintain it."

Venture considered his options. Without the sword's special ability, he didn't have much chance of getting through the mech's armor. He'd have to stab between the plates. Hopefully Ava hadn't changed anything in their design.

Instead of coming after him, the biomech looked down at Ronin Tekno. The mech reached down, grabbed the unconscious cyborg and tossed him aside like a broken toy. Then the biomech turned back to Venture. It leveled its still-intact arm and the gun barrel whirred to life.

At the same time, the turrets in the living room walls fired.

For a moment, the chaos in Venture's living room overshadowed the sounds of battle in the halls.

Venture ran toward the toppled table. Several bullets—what Venture hoped were small-caliber or nonlethal rounds—slammed into his side. He ignored the pain.

The wall turrets unleashed a hail of bullets, but Venture doubted they'd be more than a nuisance. None of the turrets in the living room were high caliber or loaded with armor-piercing rounds.

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