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Prologue: T H E   M O V E R

Moving from one place to another had always been a constant in Roxcy Floyd's life.

For as long as she could remember her father would travel from place to place.

The memories of him from her birth to the age of five were little too few, since he was almost never home, until the fateful year of her parents' divorce and her father's full custody over her.

Packing her things from her mother's flat in Miami she was shoved head first into her never ending cycle of traveling.

By the time she was thirteen she had already lived in ten states five countries and a strange island she still couldn't figure out how to pronounce.

By fifteen she had already traveled half of the United States and most of England. It was a fun life to live, seeing and experiencing different things, but also incredibly lonely too.

She had only had one real friend before, when she was three. And her longest lasting boyfriend was only a week and four days. Her father would always try to get her to hang out with children her own age, he even would throw her in a public school for however long they stayed in a place, but she was never good at make friends.

By the time she turned sixteen she started to play a fun little game wherever they went. She called it the reinventing game.


Hope you enjoyed the prologue sorry for spelling errors I'm atrocious at spelling.

The story will hopefully pick up at a more interesting pass after I figure out exactly how I want to write it :p

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