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Chapter one: T H E A R T S Y

Note: Ok I know it's tremendously short but I just wanted to get this part out of the way it will pick up at chapter three. I think this short story will be about fifteen parts give or take a few. I hope you like it and I'm sorry for all the grammar/spelling errors I didn't really proof read and will probably go back later to re-read it. Please tell me if you see any mistakes (knowing me there will probably be a ton) and thank you for reading.

What was not to love about sunny California?

There was the incredible cold water to stick your feet in, snotty people (who look at you funny for building sandcastles at beaches) and of course the ever shallow celebrities. It was the perfect place for Roxcy to start her new and improved game.

Smiling like a fool Roxcy skyrocketed through the hotel lobby with her shopping bags swinging in her hands. She dodged several people and almost tripped over a dog the size of a large rat (but is wasn't as if she noticed). She then jumped onto an empty trolley ignoring the protest of an employee. She raced forward, almost running over a group of boys texting on their phones.

She made a jump for it just escaping the trolley as it crashed into the wall, taking down a pot plant. Roxcy jumped ungracefully into the lift. She was squished in with a group of snobby businessmen, who upturned their noses at her excitement as she pressed the button for her new floor. All of which were ignoring her wonderful entrance with the utmost rudeness. They were either doodling things on their very expensive looking phones or looking half asleep and dead inside.

How sad, she thought, I can't have that now can I? And just like that a cunning plan grow in her head and a mischievous smile graced her face.

Clearing her throat dramatically she tapped the arm of the women next to her, who for some strange reason thought it was fashionable to wear her hair in the world's tightest bun. "Excuse me but, do you happen to have the time."

Giving Roxcy an odd look, (probably because of the neon green watch that was sitting on her wrist), the woman glanced down at her fancy looking phone.

"" she grumbled, being oh so polite.

Roxcy then gasped so loudly the poor man standing on her right almost dropped his coffee.

". ! Oh no! Oh the horror!" she covered her face with one of her elbows staring up at the ceiling until she was positive she had everyone's full attention sighing extra loudly she looked glumly at the ground and said "I was supposed to pick up my pet rat from my friend in the kitchen by 7."


Roxcy skipped down the hotel hallway smiling broadly at her oh so clever trick the entire elevator was evacuated from her presence by not even the second landing, what a pity she had so much more to her act they just wouldn't stay around for her wonderful encore.

Roxcy was sort of known in several different hotels as the instigator or the troubled child as some might have said.

She however thought she was more of a bright beacon, shining her light on the ever growing business world, where people had such a dreary life style. After all, to quote her father, she was just trying to express her 'creative thinking' and 'artsy personality' to the world, and there was never any reason to shun one's creativity.

Thinking of these things only made her smile wider at her new 'artsy' game she was going to play. No less than ten minutes ago she had just been out shopping for supplies, with her latest birthday money and she couldn't wait for the fun to start.

Finally arriving in front of the apartment door, she pulled out her room card and swiftly walked into the tiny apartment.

She knew her father wasn't in (he had texted her an hour and half ago saying, he would bring home takeout after his meeting with some clients). So she did the one thing she knew for a fact he hated. Throwing herself onto the sofa she stuck her feet on to the coffee table and yanked open her shopping bags, leaving the floor littered with the fancy tissue paper, (she'd call housekeeping before her father arrived).

Pulling out a big dorky pair of glasses, from one of the bags she placed them on her face and begin to practice her acting.


Not nearly a house cleaning visit later, her father walked through the hotel room door, steaming pizza in one hand and papers in the other.

"I found you the perfect school" Were the first things he stated when walking into their now clean apartment. He then went into a lengthy detail of how wonderful Carlton high school was and how close it was to the water, all of which Roxcy nodded, not carrying very much to hear about another school she would be spending a short amount of time in only, and having the smallest memories of the people she would meet.

But there was always the game, she thought happily, she couldn't wait to start again. Last time didn't go as well as she planned and she was positive that it would be way better this time.

Plus playing a nerd probably wasn't the best thing to do to get noticed in school hardly anyone even registered that she had changed her entire look.

It was only a test run though, nothing meagre, now she knew not to play such a quiet part otherwise things wouldn't be as fun.

"-Roxcy, look a person in the eyes when they're talking to you, it's rude not to. They'll think you're not listening." Her father scolded her from the opposite side of the kitchen table. She had almost forgotten that he was talking at all.

"I am listening." She lied, looking her father in the eyes. She vaguely noticed that he had begun tapping his hands on the kitchen table a sign that he was beginning to lose his patience.

"Really," her father said giving her a look "what did I just say."

Her face went blank and she looked away "Umm, school....stuff, probably."

She heard him sigh heavily something Roxcy was accustomed to "I said we might stay a few weeks longer than I thought if the Kongton deal goes through."

"Oh, um, OK then that sounds cool."

A silence then pressed throughout the room. With Roxcy's father wishing she would say more on the matter, maybe throw a fit like she did when he had told her they were moving a week later than expected back to Georgia but no she remained silent not wishing to get into an argument after the great day she'd had.

After a silence that lasted mere minutes her father spoke again "You go to school Tuesday, by the way. Do you have everything ready?"

She smiled broadly her mood immediately picking up with the thought of her game. It was going to so much fun.

"Yes I'm ready."


dedicated to spittals98 because 'an artistic due' is absolutely amazing.

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