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Your blades stopped and caused a sound within the quiet walls. You love coming into the rink early to practice your figure skating. You glided on the ice and jumped in the air to do a triple axle. You landed it and smiled to yourself.

"Heh, I'm pretty good at this" you thought.

Suddenly a clapping could be heard. You jolted and looked over to the entrance as that was where the sound was originated. There was a girl with brown curly hair. The hair at the front followed a red streak. She was clapping with hockey gloves on her hands. Is that the captain of the girls hockey team?

"You did great! I see you on the latest flyers." She got onto the ice and glided towards you.

"Wh-What? Really? I never knew that those flyers were THAT popular.." you managed to say.

"Oh they are! I see that pretty face all over those flyers." she was now I standing in front of you with a smirk.

"Oh- thanks.." This was kind of awkward. You see her and her team all over the town. She was as popular as you. But, she made it sound like you were more popular than her. Which, you kind of are...but you decide to stay humble.

"I decided to come in to practice early, then I saw you do those awesome tricks."

"Oh thanks! It's called the Caryssa-side tunnel." Your orbs blinked in the fresh 6:48am sunlight.

"See, I don't understand all of these terms but I just know that you look good doing it."

You didn't really know what to say. Was she flirting with you? No, that couldn't be. There's no possible way that she could be. Your embarrassment started taking over and your cheeks felt hot.

"Sorry, if I'm in your way of early practice, I'll go I can- " you got cut off.

"No stay, I like your presence Y/N" She said your name as if you two were close.



Sorry guys this was short because it's just the start! I might not be able to publish much because my uncle got arrested for running over my cat. I'm still grieving and am hoping to write to ease my pain. Anyway, I'll try to upload as much as I can !!

Stay safe lovelies~ ❤️

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