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You turn the key of your front door and walk into the house. You're greeted by the smell of fresh bread being baked. Your mom always liked to bake.

"Mom? I'm home!" You called out as she peeked her head from the kitchen.

"Oh hello sweetie! Did you grab what I needed you to grab at the store?"

"Yes I did, here you go." You handed a bag of ingredients. You walked up to your room and plopped down on the bed.


You turned over and grabbed your phone to be met with a notification from messages. Who's this? Maybe it's another scam asking if I need a job.


Hello there!

Who is this?

I don't know, Miss Flyer?
Take a guess

Oh my goodness Val 😭
How did you get my number anyway?

Now that's a secret I'm not gonna tell 😉

I actually can't believe that you found my number.


She really found your number? How did she do that? You sighed and left your room to take a shower.


You laid in bed staring at the ceiling. The dark room filled with nothing but silence. You turned your head ever so slightly to read the red digital clock numbers from across the room.

8:23 pm

It was fall transitioning to winter so of course it would get dark early. The sun was already setting when you were walking home. You could see the moonlight seeping in from your window into your room. It illuminated every ridge and paint smear on the wall. You lay staring at nothing.

I'm so bored right now

You sat up from your bed.

Maybe a night walk could be used?

You grabbed a hoodie from your closet and creeped downstairs without waking up your mom. You then left the house and walked under the shining cold moon.

There was one particular place that nobody really knew about. It would be easy to be kidnapped there but you decide to go nonetheless. It was at the same park you walked by earlier that day. The park that the ball hit your head. Behind all of the trees, there was a small river or creek. It was a really nice, small area that could let you unwind.

You walked down to the rocks and sat on one big one. You stared up at the bright moon and back down at the running water. Suddenly a rustling could be heard from behind you. Is this the day I get kidnapped? You turn your head to see a squirrel running past. You let out a deep breath and relief washes over you. At least it wasn't some kidnapper.

Either it was you being scared or loneliness, you decide to text your best friend Izzy for some company.


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