Chapter 2: Shattered Life

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✩ C E L E S T E R A V E N ✩

I jolted awake, my heart racing, as I lay on the cold, hardwood floor of the closet. Fear gripped my insides as I realized I had overslept. I always woke up before dawn to tidy the house and prepare breakfast, knowing Mama would be furious if I didn't. It was one of her many strict rules, and breaking them always resulted in severe punishment.

I scrambled to get dressed, still in my lilac polka dot pajamas. They were stained, torn, and too small, but they were all I had. I rushed downstairs, carefully avoiding the rotted step that I had fallen through several times before. The house was eerily quiet, the usual sounds of Mama's drunken snores and mumbled curses absent. My heart pounded louder in the silence.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I noticed the living room light was still on. I stepped cautiously into the room and froze. Mama was lying on the floor, her body unnaturally still. I gasped and took a hesitant step forward, my foot slipping in something wet. I looked down to see a puddle of blood spreading across the floor. I tripped and fell, my pajamas soaking up the crimson liquid.

"Mama?" I whispered, my voice trembling. I crawled towards her, my hands shaking. I saw a deep gash on her forehead, likely from hitting the corner of the coffee table. Tears filled my eyes as I shook her gently. "Mama, please wake up."

Panic surged through me. I had to get help. I remembered what my teacher at school taught us about calling 911 in an emergency. I stumbled to the phone, my hands fumbling as I dialed. But the line was dead. Mama must have forgotten to pay the phone bill again.

Desperation clawed at me as I tried to think of what to do. I couldn't stay here, and I couldn't leave Mama like this. That was it. I would go and get help.

I raced up the stairs and grabbed my special blanket. Running back down, I draped it over Mama, tucking it in underneath her. I wanted to make sure she would stay warm while I was gone.

The early morning light barely touched the rundown neighborhood as I stumbled down the streets, covered in my mother's blood. I ran towards the nearest police station, my heart pounding in my chest. Pedestrians nearby averted their eyes, pretending not to see me. No one offered help or even acknowledged my presence.

Finally, I reached the police station, breathless and trembling. I pushed open the heavy door and stumbled inside. A police officer looked up from his desk, his eyes widening as he took in my disheveled appearance and the bloodstains covering me.

"Please," I managed to say between sobs. "You have to help. My mama... she's hurt really bad."

The officer quickly rose from his seat, motioning for his colleagues. He had a kind face and a bright smile, trying to calm me. "Hey there, I'm Officer Maddox," he said gently, kneeling to my level. "Can you tell me your name?"

"C-Celeste," I stammered, tears streaming down my face.

"Okay, Celeste. We're going to help you. Can you tell us what happened?"

I nodded, my voice trembling. "I woke up, and she was lying on the floor... there was so much blood."

"Where do you live, Celeste?" Officer Maddox asked, his tone soft and reassuring.

I gave him my address, my voice barely above a whisper. The officers exchanged glances and prepared to leave.

"I want to go with you," I pleaded, clutching Officer Maddox's wrist. "Please don't leave without me. She needs my help too..."

Officer Maddox's expression softened even more, but he shook his head gently. "Celeste, it's best if you stay here. We'll be able to help your mom faster if we go alone."

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