Chapter 5: Let Down

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☽  A S A   R A V E N  ☾

As we left the station, the tension between us felt insufferable. I could sense Celeste's fear and discomfort, and I had no idea how to bridge the gap between us. My mind raced as I navigated the car down the road, heading towards the private airstrip where my jet awaited.

Celeste sat quietly beside me, her small frame almost swallowed by the seat. She clutched the plastic Walmart bag tightly, her knuckles white. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye, trying to find the right words, but nothing came to mind. How was I supposed to talk to a scared little girl? I didn't know the first thing about kids.

We drove in silence for a few minutes, the hum of the engine the only sound between us. I could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on me, making it hard to breathe. I had to say something, anything, to break the ice.

"Are you always this fuckin' quiet?" I asked, at that, I wince, my voice came out a lot harsher than intended.

Celeste flinched, and I immediately regretted my words. "Sorry," I muttered, trying to soften my tone. "I just... I'm not used to this."

That's not a fucking excuse for being an ass, Asa. I mentally scolded myself.

She glanced up at me, her green eyes wide with a mix of fear and curiosity. She nodded slightly, but her grip on the bag didn't loosen.

"Good... that's good," I muttered, feeling like an idiot. This was going great. "We're, uh, heading to the airstrip. Got a jet waiting for us."

For fucks sake, a gunshot to the dick would be less painful than this.

She didn't respond, just stared out the window, her expression unreadable. I could only imagine what was going through her mind. Being ripped from everything she knew and thrust into a stranger's car, heading who knows where. I needed to reassure her somehow.

"I know you don't feel safe with me, Celeste," I said, my voice gruff. "I get it. I wouldn't feel safe either. But I promise you, you're safe with me. It's not going to be easy, but we'll figure it out."

Okay, that was terrible.

Celeste finally looked at me, her eyes searching mine for any hint of sincerity. I hoped she found it because I meant every word. I would do whatever it took to protect her, to give her a better life than the one she had known.

Okay, maybe not so terrible? Fuck, I don't know.

The drive continued in silence until we reached the airstrip. My jet was ready, and my men were waiting to take the car back. I parked and turned to Celeste.

"We're here," I said softly. "Let's get you on the plane."

She nodded again, still clutching her bag as if it were a lifeline. I got out and walked around to her side, opening the door for her. She stepped out hesitantly, looking around the empty airstrip with wide eyes.

"It's okay," I said, trying to sound reassuring. "Just a quick flight, and we'll be home."

Home. The word felt strange on my tongue. I wasn't sure where home was anymore, but for Celeste's sake, I had to try and make it somewhere safe.

"You've never been on a plane before." I state, my tone gruff but not unkind.

She shook her head, looking even more anxious.

"Figures," I muttered, more to myself than to her. "Come on, let's get this over with."

As we approached the plane, I noticed her hesitation. Her steps grew slower, her grip on the bag tighter. I stopped and turned to her, my expression hard but with a touch of understanding.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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