Chapter 3: meeting

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Alpha aimed her sword at the newcomer “who are you? And how did you get behind me?” She said more of a demand rather than a question.

??? “Not until you answer my question first.” The woman said back with the same tone as Alpha’s.

Alpha “Then we are at an impasse.” She stated

??? “That appears so.” The woman agreed

Alpha looked at the woman more closely as she appeared from behind the tree

The woman had a sword sheathed, only her sheath was bigger than her own.

Alpha still has her sword pointed at the woman “Where am I?” She finally asked the question that's been bugging her since she got here.

??? “Emerald forest.” The woman stated.

Alpha never heard of a forest called that.

Alpha “I don't know such a place.” She retorted back.

The woman tilted her head slightly.

??? “I see. So you're not from here, are you?”

Alpha remains silent.

??? “I'll take that as a yes then.” The woman then moved her arm away from her sword.

Alpha then lowered her sword.

Alpha “Then tell me where I am.” She said in a more relaxed tone.

??? “You're in a world called Remnant. Home to the creatures of Grimm. The ones you had cut up earlier.”

Alpha “Can these ‘Grimm’ infected people? And where do they come from?”

The woman tilted her head “No.” She said “They are made of darkness, they have no souls, and they kill without remorse. They are the embodiment of fear and feed off of it. Does that answer your question?”

Alpha 'They are certainly different from the punishing virus.’ “Yes it does.” She then sheathed her sword and turned around, walking back to her motorcycle

??? “Where are you going?”

Alpha “Don't know. I guess I'll try and find a way back to my world now.” She said, hopping onto her motorcycle

??? “You intend to roam aimlessly? You won't survive.”

Alpha glared at the woman “I'm strong enough, stronger than you. Human.”

??? “HA! Do you really believe that you could beat me? Even if you cut up those Grimm into small pieces. I'm still leagues ahead of you.” She said, crossing her arms and slightly looking up

Alpha got off her motorcycle and strode toward the woman, then stopped right in front of the woman, and copied her posture and now that Alpha got close enough they look to be the same Height, but with opposite hair colors.

Alpha “do you really think you can beat an ascendant, Human?”

The woman narrowed her eyes through her mask.

??? “You are human just like me. All be, the exception of your arms, probably some nasty accident with a Grimm, no doubt. And what's with all that armor you have on. And those tags?”

Alpha dropped her arms and put her finger on the chest of the woman and angrily said “You know nothing about me. You will leave my sight and never talk to me again.”

??? “If you can't handle some comments, then you will-”

Before the woman could finish what she was saying. Alpha let out some of the punishing virus from her body

Alpha’s eye started to glow red with flames coming from it “leave.”

The woman took a step back, shocked by what she was seeing

??? “Fascinating so that's your Semblance. That certainly looks powerful. Perhaps you would be fine on your own?”

Alpha’s fierce gaze never left the woman's masked face, almost as if she was staring right into her eyes and soul

Alpha "If you're looking for a fight, then I'll give you one."

??? "Easy there. That wasn't my intention. Just wanted you to join my group since you look..... strong." The woman said with a smirk behind her helmet.

Alpha "And what makes you think that I want your help, or why would I join you?"

??? "New face. There is nowhere to go for help, and you don't know where you need to go or how to get back." She says, walking slowly around Alpha. "Face it. You have no idea who you can trust. I'm offering you a place to stay. Food and shelter, included." Then woman then got close to Alpha’s ear and whisperd. "And all you have to do is join me." She then steps infringement of Alpha waiting for her answer with her arms crossed.

Alpha stood there motionless for a few moments.

The woman started to turn around. "I'll take that as a no, then."

Alpha "Wait."

The woman stopped and grined behind her mask and turned back around.

Alpha "I'll join you."

RAVENS ASCENSION (PGR: Alpha x Raven RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now