30' The Stress of Embracing Change

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I'm still giving Ramiero the cold shoulder, I've figured that maybe space is what we need. What I need. Just to think about what I'm going to do without having his actions influencing me. He could definitely make me fold and right now I'm not trying to.

"This project will be due by NEXT MONDAY, no extended time, no exceptions. You must have all stages of the scientific method included in your project by Monday. We will present to the class on Monday, the best projects will be displayed in the fair of this month." The sound of my physics teacher's voice pulls me out of my head and I smile a little. I be eating down on my projects, especially when I actually want to do it.

"This is worth fifty percent of your grade for the third quarter." She warns and my eyes widen. This can makeup for that work I didn't do when we got back to school, the quarter will be ending before I know it.

I pull a notebook out of my backpack and start jotting down ideas for my project.

"Girl I'm finna drop a egg and call it a day." Melody shrugs and I laugh at her words, polar opposites I don't know how we became best friends.

"Knowing you you still gone fuck it up..." I mumble and she nudges me with a laugh, we begin laughing together.

"I'm finna ask Landon smart ass to help me watch. You know he like black girls ona low." She mumbles to me as she slides off of her seat and I shake my head, watching her strut over to Landon's table innocently.

He looks up at her timidly and runs a hand through his long blonde hair to move it out of his face.

I look away as I hear her begin to speak and chuckle to myself, that girl is hell.

As I run out of project ideas I get up and go ask for the bathroom pass. She gives it to me and I leave the room.

I'm really finna just go roam the halls, my attention span ran out.

I haven't seen Gio yet, he may be in the gym like always.

When I make it down to the first floor I walk into the gym and see hella people, this definitely not all they period.

I walk in further until I see a face I recognize, Sy'Ana.

"Hey Sy." I say softly as I walk up to her and she looks up with a smile.

𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭Where stories live. Discover now