I didn't know you could sing like that

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"Who wants to take over singing this round?" Felice held out the microphone for anyone to grab. the group consisting of: Henry, Walter, felice, and Sara had all been playing the game 'rock band' (the Lego version)

They each took turns with the instruments every round

"I will!" Walter said, standing up from the fake drum set he was sitting at and taking the microphone as felice sat down where Walter had previously been sitting.

Sara and Henry were bass and guitar (Sara on bass and Henry on guitar)

It was Walters turn to pick the song they played. Along with taking turns with instruments they also took turns picking songs.

Henry had only ever seen Walter play drums and guitar, he had never taken the microphone. Sure Henry had heard Walter sing before but not for real, he never really heard him try.

Walter picked 'accidentally in love', winking at Henry before clicking on the song

They all picked their difficulty's and the song began playing,

"So she said, "what's the problem, baby?" What's the problem? I don't know well, maybe I'm in love" Walter began singing, his eyes glued to the oncoming lyrics.

Henry tried to focus on the game as much as possible, as he was pretty good. He always played on medium or hard, but he certainly wasn't doing very good right now.

Henry started to stare at Walter subconsciously, missing every note he was supposed to press.

Sara bumped him with her elbow and he immediately got back in the game, clearing the notes perfectly as they came onto the screen.

"Well, baby, I surrender to the strawberry ice cream never ever end all of this love well, I didn't mean to do it but there's no escaping your love, oh" Walter sung out. His voice was beautiful.

Once the song finished and all of their scores popped up on the screen Henry let his head fall forward, disappointed in himself.

"Henry!! How the hell did you only get 76%??? Your usual is 95% LOWEST!" Felice faced Henry and yelled out, a smile on her face

"Ughhh I don't knowww" Henry groaned, a smile plastered on his lips as well.

"Probably 'cause you were staring at me half the time" Walter said with a smirk

Henry shoved Walter gently, feigning annoyance.


The group had played a few more songs, switching places between them,

Eventually, Walter and Henry went back to their dorm room before the curfew was up.

"I didn't know you could sing like that" Henry said as Walter closed the door to their room.

"Like what?" Walter said curiously

"Like, so.. beautifully, your voice is really wonderful"

Walter felt his face heat up at the compliment.

Henry put both his hands on either sides of Walters face, moving closer to him.

Walter held Henry's waist. bringing both of them as close together as possible

Then, Henry closed the gap between them.

The kiss was gentle, and full of love

They eventually broke away and stayed close, looking into each other's eyes

"I love you" slipped from Henry's mouth, he immediately took his hands off Walters face and slapped them over his mouth, his eyes wide

Henry let his hands fall, "I-I'm so sorry I just- uhm.. you don't have to say it back-"

"I love you too." Walters voice was soft, a loving smile appearing on his lips

Henry wrapped his arms around Walter, hugging him tightly.

Walter hugged him back, holding him close.

"I love you so much" Walter broke the comfortable silence

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me" Henry spoke quietly, tightening the embrace ever so slightly.


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