Chapter 1: A New Student

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Note: I don't own Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir. All I own is Y/N.

Y/N stands for your name.

Y/N/N stands for your nickname

F/N stands for your first name

L/N stands for your last name.

In the month of early October, rumors were spreading in College Francois Dupont that a new student was arriving at school. They were supposed to arrive today.

"Did you hear a new student is coming here to our class," Alya whispered to Marinette. Marinette nodded.

"I hope it is a boy," Marinette whispered. Just imagining a new girl sweeping her crush away. She feared that if a new girl came, she may never get the chance to confess.

"Oh, Marinette, you don't have to worry about that. You are a great person. All you need to do is talk normally, and the boy is good as yours,'' Alya teased and reassured Marinette at the same time. Marinette smiled as she nodded.

Suddenly, two boys came out walking. Adrien Agreste and Nino Latiff talking and smiling. Marinette let out a squeak of surprise as she blushed when Adrien waved at her. Adrien Agreste-the boy of her dreams.

"Hey, you ready to see the new student," Nino asked the two girls who sat behind them.

Both girls nodded.

"As long as they're nice, we'll get along just fine," Marinette smiled.

Meanwhile, at Paris Frances Juvie cell 65.

"YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! I'm STAYING HERE IN MY CELL!!!" A girl of thirteen was yelling and screeching as she held onto the jail bars in a tight grip. Behind her were two guards who were trying to loosen her hold of her cell.

"Ms. L/N. Please let go. You need to go to school. You need to be a proper 13-year-old girl." The guards pleaded.

"NO!!! I DON'T WANT TO GO! Let me be an uneducated student. I can breathe, I can walk, I can eat. WHAT ELSE DO I NEED?"

"An education to go to college. And college will lead to a job to sustain your means," a man entered into the chaotic scene.

His name was James Collins. He is a man in his mid-thirties. He was wearing a black suit and wearing black glasses. He commanded an aura of respect. The girl stopped as she gave the meanest glare she could. He stepped up and removed his glasses as he walked up and gave her a firm handshake as if congratulating her.

"Congratulations Y/N L/N, you have passed all the requirements in returning to society as a civil citizen." Y/N's eyes widened and her face paled as she realized her current predicament.


"It was an observational test." Mr. Collins stated matter of factly.
Y/N was furious. She felt her anger boiling to the top. She felt like she could hear a teapot whistling. "Explain," she uttered in a dark and dangerous voice. The guards shuddered and quickly scrambled out of that room as if their lives depended on it.

"Good luck Chief," one of the guards said.

Mr. Collins tiredly sighed as he grabbed a chair and motioned for the girl to sit down opposite the table.

"Let me explain."

"You better," Y/N interrupted rather rudely as she placed her feet on the table.

Mr. Collins narrowed his eyes but said nothing. "The staff and I have been watching and documenting your behavior. You have always been a special case in our system. We have decided to give you a second chance..."

"Terrible idea," Y/N muttered.

"You have demonstrated the traits of a citizen who can be released to society. We are giving you a trial period of where you will live in my home as a normal child living under a guardian. Today this afternoon, you will be enrolled as a student in College Dupont Francois" He took a breath as he watched her response. So far, Y/N was just watching him and sitting still. It looked like she was taking it very well.

Suddenly, Y/N tossed her head and laughed. "Oh my gosh. Your shi*ing me." Y/N took her feet down as she rolled down the floor in laughter.

However, Mr. Collins just sat straight and waited till Y/N was done with her laughing fit. After a while, Y/N noticed that Mr. Collins was still wearing his serious expression.

Her eyes widened in surprise and panic. "Oh sh*t! You are not joking."

Mr. Collins arched his eyebrow and stood up. "Of course not, I have a limited extra time. I will not spend it on being your personal entertainment. Now get up and get your belongings." He smoothed his suit as he began walking toward the exit. "I'll be coming back in 10 minutes. You better be ready or else." He gave her a warning as he placed his black glasses on and walked off.

Y/N was still on the floor as her wide eyes still held shock. "No, I can't go," Y/N whispered. "I can't go back outside," she muttered again and again. She began rocking her body as buried memories came back to the surface. So many terrible memories.

A little girl-lonesome and unloved. That little girl spent many nights crying to sleep. She always stood to the nearest exit and ran at the sight of trouble. However, as if fate has it. Trouble always followed her like the black plague. Silent and imposing. Then, the day came where she had held a knife and had to decide between life or morals. That day has hardened her, but the action has led to her haven: Juvenile hall. Safe from the monsters of the outside world. Now, today she will have to go back.

Suddenly, she stopped shaking and gave a dark smile. Well, if they are sending her back out there, then, she will show them their inner demons. Soon, Mr. Collins will have to take her back. She will make sure she becomes a hindrance to her class and causes trouble. It was the only way to stay safe and keep people away. This was her plan, her salvation.

Ten minutes later, Mr. Collins walked into the room. He was expecting to see a teenage girl moping on the ground and sleeping-ignoring his warning. However, he came and saw a girl wearing blue jeans and her orange prison shirt smiling with a little suitcase holding her few belongings.

"Well, this is a nice surprise."

Y/N looked up and just noticed Collins. She dropped her smile and scowled.

"Don't get used to it. It is a one-time thing. Lead the way, old man. I can't wait to see your homely abode." Y/N got up as she walked up to Mr. Collins.

Mr. Collins sighed. "I have a feeling I'm going to regret this."

"Yep!" Y/N chirped as they walked side by side. F/N L/N was ready for her next chapter in life.

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