It Ended

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Marcus and his girlfriend, whom he loved dearly and deeply were talking one afternoon and something odd happened. She stopped replying to his texts completely. He figured she was busy and didn't think much of it. When night fell, he noticed she still didn't reply to him but he still sent her a cute little good night text. The next day, he was disappointed to see that there wasn't a reply for her waiting for him. But nonetheless he still sent her a good morning text. No text was received for the rest of the day, or the next couple of days that followed. During this time, he resorted to the occasional blow up of her phone because he began to worry if she was okay, if she was hurt. He didn't know what to do. He looked in the App Store again and found this app that allowed you to text any number for free and it also gave a free U.S. phone number. He quickly took advantage of this and decided to text her.
"Hey," he texted.
"Who's this?" she replied.
At this point, Marcus didn't want to use his name for the fear that she might not reply again.
"Your boyfriend!" he said instead.
"Who?" she asked.
"You should know your boyfriend's name haha lol," he told her.
"Jose?" she asked.
Marcus' heart broke into a million pieces. "Who the fuck is Jose?" he thought. "She's really been fucking cheating on me this whole time?"
"No it's not Jose. But now I see why you haven't been replying to me," he told her.
She didn't reply.
"How long has this been going on?" he asked.
"A week /.\," she said. Marcus then realized that it's been about a week since she first stopped replying to him. Fed up and filled up with anger, he told her how she broke his heart and that he didn't know if they could be friends.
She didn't reply.

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