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You walk down the hallway, following the directions you had been given by the school receptionist. You were a bit late, having overslept after the journey back from your grandparents' place. Your hands grip the strap of your bag tightly, the thought of getting scolded on the first day of your school after the vacation wasn't too pleasant in your mind. As You turn the corner, coming to a stop in front of the classroom door. You stand at the doorway to the class,hand gripping the doorframe as you peer inside to check if the teacher was there yet luckily there were only the students. You glance around and scan the faces of the students there for a familiar one, whose face you anticipated to see after returning.
You make your way into the classroom, standing there and doing nothing would really have been awkward anyways. Your eyes swiftly move down the long rows of desks, silently searching for beomgyu. Your gaze travels from desk to desk, searching for him in the cluster of students.
He was your best friend after all.

Your eyes finally landed on the back of the room.  Surprisingly enough There, in the very back row, seated in the corner, was him. 
He was sitting with a couple of other guys, The guys were part of a friend group that beomgyu often avoided. Unlike him, They were known to be rowdy and troublemakers.

Suddenly, as though he felt your lingering stare on him, beomgyu's eyes looked up to meet yours, a look of surprise passing over his face.

Before anything could be said or done, the classroom door opened, revealing the teacher,  He was a middle-aged man, with greying hair and rimless glasses perched on his nose. He was carrying a stack of books under his arm as he walked into the classroom, he looked extremely grumpy and you knew better to just stand there so you took the nearest seat next to a girl who just smiled, you smiled back. You set down your bag and took out your books. Your mind swirls with thoughts as the teacher droned on about the lessons.

why is he with those guys?"  You wondered to yourself. "Did I miss out on too much?"

You tried recalling their names. Though the only one you knew was
“hee- heeseung? Yeah it's him”
From how much you knew, heeseung was popular for many things among which his indisciplined self was his most famous quality around the school.

You had just returned from your grandparent's place the night before. You had been tired and rather sleepy when you got home late last night, and because of this, you decided to just head to bed instead of greeting beomgyu, who lives just next door. So you mentally took a note to surprise him the next morning. You had woken up early today with a sense of excitement, planning out exactly how you would meet beomgyu and the look of wonder on his face when you knocked on his door. But now, as she sits in the class, paying no attention to whatever the teacher was talking about, boredom gnaws you.

elbow propped on the desk,chin on the palm. It almost felt like hours now with the lesson still going on and you didn't know when your eyelids started growing heavier and heavier and the next moment you had dozed off,  in a light slumber, the teacher's voice because a hum in the distance. You laid your head on your arm on the desk, in pure bliss, unaware of the activities taking place around you.

How peaceful
Not too long after,  your peaceful slumber was interrupted by a sharp nudge on your arm, jolting you out of the dreamy state. You opened your eyes groggily, your vision blurry for a moment before it focused on the figure standing over you, choi beomgyu. You blinked.

He chuckled.

"Drooling on the desk, sleepyhead?"

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