Chapter 1: Friends To What?

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Teddy walks into a private school and sees someone who she finds very attractive and really wants to get close to him. Teddy looks away in her locker to put her stuff away, as she looks over he walks closer to her she blushes and covers her face with a book and whispers to herself "Hope fully he does not notice anything.."
He walks past Teddy and she sighs with a sigh of relief. Teddy heads to her class room as she sits down she notices he comes into the class. Teddy is shaking and blushing asking herself "Who is this man?" He sits in the back of the class next to some of his friends and they laugh and giggle. Teddy tries focusing on her work but it's so hard for her to. The teacher starts talking and she ends up focusing, then he walks by Teddy and Teddy gets a good smell of him. She says "Mmm~ He smells absolutely delightful.." She blushes. The end of the class comes around and Teddy is eager to talk to him! She writes a quick note that says "Hello.. I am Teddy and you seem pretty interesting and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out some time?" The bell rings and he leaves before she could give it to him. Teddy exclaimed "Crap!" She looks for him in the halls and walks up to him as he looks at her and she stutters "I.. I just really w-wanted to give you this note!" He looks at her confused and opens the note to read it. (To be continued!!!!)

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