The Note!

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Felix finishes reading the note that Teddy had given him and he chuckles and shrugs as he says "Yeah sure, I'd love to hang out with you!" She relaxes and says "Okay!!!" Teddy is very excited then Felix and Teddy exchange phone numbers and after Felix walks away with him friends. Teddy lets out a scream to herself she's so happy that he didn't reject hanging out with her and she's super excited. Later that day it was time to go home and everyone started leaving, and Felix saw Teddy and caught her before she had left. "Hey!" Felix calls out to Teddy and she turns around and smiles at him. He asks "When would you like to hang out? I am free today!" She says "I am too!" Felix asks her to hang out then. Teddy says "yes!" Felix says he knows a nice spot and Teddy nods and follows him out of the school. Felix and Teddy make it out to his car and Felix opens the door for her and she blushes and whispers "Thank you.. you're very sweet!~" Felix nods and says "You're very welcome, princess" Teddy blushes even harder as Felix gets into the car he looks over at Teddy then starts the car and starts to drive off. After a 15 minute silent but nice car ride they make it to a nice forest that you can walk through and pick flowers and its just gorgeous (To be continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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