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One day, Asuka sees y/n go to a studio where Chayney is practicing for their new album.
Asuka: I should get home but I noticed a familiar face going somewhere for Chayney. *goes to the studio*
Y/n: I feel like I'm being followed.
Asuka: Y/n!!!
Y/n: Asuka san, what are you doing ?
Asuka: I'm supposed to be asking you that and What are you doing outside of chayney's agency
Y/n: I'm visiting Chayney and why are you worried about me.
Asuka: Dan says, your not yourself lately
Y/n: Dan kun, is worried for me and I thought he forgot about me since he only cared for my you *walks inside the agency*
Asuka: Y/n!!!!!! *walks after y/n*
Y/n: Why are you following me and you should go back to the boys aka 8LOOM. *struggles out of Asuka grip*
Asuka: Y/n, I'm not letting you near Chayney and you know they are idols.
Y/n: I know that but I like being around them than 8loom and you.
Asuka: That's not true y/n, Chayney are big meanies to 8loom.
Y/n: Doesn't matter now that 8loom likes you for you but they hate me. So I moved out and never came back to the house where you and 8loom are living at.
Asuka: Where do you live now?
Y/n: I-I live with Minato from Chayney and why do you keep asking questions.
Asuka: I'm your older sister please come back home where 8loom and I live.
Y/n: No and this is my last present for 8loom. I have to go because Minato is calling my phone. I'll text you later ok.
Asuka: Y/n, 8loom and I miss you a lot.
Y/n: I know but I have to admit it's been awhile since I saw them. Tell them I said hi but seriously though, you need to get stop talking about me infront of 8loom.
Asuka: Fine but if they ask where you are and they will find you.
Y/n: Ok and bye *waves*

I will be your 8loom (Plot twist) Where stories live. Discover now