Ridiculous Book, Charming Guy and a Stalker?

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Sujin's pov :
5th July, 2024

I was at class, listening to the professor give lectures about some stuff that is probably not something I want to know... Ah, when did life get so boring? I remember how I used to be filled with joy and energy, where did that me go? Maybe she just died and reincarnated into this boring version of me. Even hanging out with friends is boring now... It's like I feel empty...? Like something inside me is missing... Am I going through the "Emo" phase? Oh god! Please no! Nevermind, I am not a teen anymore. Wait, can adults go through that phase too? Maybe, they can... Okay, obviously they can. I am just stupid.

Oh, wait- I didn't even introduce myself. My name is Sujin. Kang Sujin. I am a biology student. My grades are average. Not bad, not good. I don't see myself going anywhere with this... Maybe I shouldn't even have applied here. Like how did I even get accepted? Okay, I am getting carried away again. I am Korean. I grew up in Korea too. I am 21 years old, soon to be 22. I was born on July 7th, 2002. It's the 5th day of July today. I will be turning 22 in 2 days. Anyways back to me ranting about how life is so boring now.

I was a popular kid back in school. Tons of friends, amazing grades, full of joy etc. But I am really not anything like that nowadays. I cut off most of my friends and only talk to 3 of them now. My grades are very average. I am always tired and empty. I don't know when exactly this feeling of emptiness grew in me, but I have been feeling so... Weird. So... Out of place. So... Strange. My life has been as sweet as sugar up until now.

I was sulking about my life not feeling exciting at all when I heard the professor say something.

"Class dismissed." He said.

Finally! I can leave now! Then again... I got nothing to do. Maybe I could go to a book café. Not that I like books, those places just seem peaceful. I might even read a book if I find an interesting one... But no books are interesting to me. Then again, nothing is interesting to me. Or I am just someone who refuses to try something new.

I decided to go to a book café anyway. I was browsing through the bookshelves there to see if there are any books that are interesting. I found one that seemed interesting. But when I was about to pull it out to read, someone else put their hand on it. I looked up to see who it was. It was some cute guy, I guess?

"Oh, you can take it!" The guy said with a smile on his face as he pulled the book out and handed it to me.

"Oh, thank you." I said. I could have taken it out by myself though.

"Your welcome. My name is Sim Jaeyun. But you can call me Jake." The boy said as he held his hand out for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you... Jake. I am Kang Sujin." I said as I shook hands with him. The boy was weird... But he was also kind of charming?

"Nice to meet you too! I will see you around then?" He said as he went back to browsing the books.

I nodded and went back to my seat with the book. The book was about some crazy girl who kills in the name of love. She spent her days stalking the person she liked. Making sure nobody gets too close with him. If that happened she would simply kill the person. I thought it was ridiculous to do that. Like why would you kill people over this? Just talk to your crush or something. It's not that hard. Then again, I never had a crush before. I won't get it probably. But killing seems like a bit of an overstretch. At the end the girl got away with all the killings but her crush rejected her when she confessed to him. She couldn't accept that and ended up killing him. She took her own life as that guy happened to be her reason to live. I found the story ridiculous. But somehow... Exciting?

As I was leaving the café, I felt like I was being followed. But when I looked around I saw no one. Having to enter an alley way to get to my apartment didn't make it any better. I ran back to my apartment and locked the door quickly... I am sure someone was following me... But who would?

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