Jake or someone else?

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The next day

Sujin's pov :
7th July, 2024

I opened my eyes to see Sunoo sleeping on the couch, beside me. Did I fall asleep? I really don't remember what happened. Also why did he not go home already? Who told him he could stay the night? I am gonna wake him up.

I got up to get a book to hit him with. But just as I got up he pulled me back to the couch and hugged me.

"Don't go... Don't leave me alone..." He mumbled.

I shoved him off of me. He acts like he is my boyfriend or something. Like we have been just friends for years. Did he forget that?

"Why did you push me?!?" He started whining.

"Why shouldn't I push you?!?" I yelled.

He pouted.

"Anyways, leave. The last thing I want to hear in the morning is a grown man whining." I said.

He got up and hugged me.

"Happy birthday..." He whispered.

"You don't need to hug me to say that, you know?" I said.

"I̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶c̶l̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶." He muttered something that I didn't understand... Again.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said as he stopped hugging me. "Let's celebrate your birthday!" He said with a huge smile on his face.

"I don't celebrate birthdays. Besides I got classes to attend. Go home, Sunoo." I said.

Sunoo looked at me as if I had stabbed him.

"Fine! I am going home." Sunoo said. He left soon after saying that.

Finally! He is gone. Okay, I am celebrating too early. I need to go to University now. It shouldn't take me long to get ready.

I arrived at my classroom pretty early... Fortunately. Imma be a phone addict for now.

Wait... Messages from an unknown number? Interesting.

Unknown Number
Hi. It's me, Jake.
You know, the guy from the book café?

JAKE?!? HOW DID HE GET MY NUMBER? Wait- Maybe I gave it to him... I don't remember. I probably gave him my number though. No, I didn't. Maybe I did. I probably didn't. But since he messaged me, I probably did. Ugh, when did I become so forgetful?

Kang Sujin
Oh, hi!
How did you get my number though?

Sim Jaeyun?
You gave it to me yesterday.
Did you forget already-

Kang Sujin
Oh I did?
I guess I just have goldfish memory then.

Sim Jaeyun?
So, what are you doing right now?

Kang Sujin
Just sitting in class.
What about you?

Sim Jaeyun?
I am still in bed-

Kang Sujin


A few hours later.
Class finally ended. I got nothing to do again. I can always go home? Yeah, I am doing that. I am going home.

I was walking home when I saw Jake, inside a convenience store. I wanted to go in to talk to him. Wait, I could make it seem like a coincidence?

I went in the store and went to the same aisle he was in. He was buying cereal. He didn't recognize me yet. He was reaching for a box and I put my hand on the exact box. He looked at me.

"Sujin?" He said. Looking confused.

"Jake?" I replied. Acting like I totally didn't come in because I saw him there.

I took my hand off the cereal box.

"So... What are you doing here?" I asked. WAIT WHY DID I ASK THAT???

"Uhm... Buying cereal?" Jake said.

"Oh, no way! Me too. We have so much in common- I mean- Yeah, same." I just had to make a fool out of myself.

Jake started chuckling.

"By the way, it's your birthday today, right?" Jake said.

"Wait, how did you know it's my birthday today?" I asked.

"You told me yesterday?" He said.

"I did? Wait, no. I didn't. Or did I?" Did I really give him my number and birthdate yesterday? I probably did. Otherwise how would he know?

"Yes, you did." He chuckled.

"Did I perhaps give you my number too?" I asked.

"Oh right! I totally forgot to ask for your number." He said.

So he doesn't have my number... THEN WHO WAS I TALKING TO?!?

"So you don't have my number?" My eyes narrowed. I didn't even notice that my expression was changing.

"No, I don't. What's with the face?" He asked.

"Uhm... Nothing. Give me your phone. I will put my number on it." I said.

He gave me his phone and I typed in my number.

"Thank you." He said.

"So, what are you doing after buying cereal?" I asked.

"Mhm... Nothing much. How about you?" He asked.

"I am going home."  I said.

"Oh, would you be okay with me walking you home?" He asked.

"Sure. I don't mind." I said.

"Let's go then!" He said.


"I CAN BUY IT LATER!" He said as he dragged me out the store.

As we were walking, I noticed that he was leading the way. How does he know the way to my house? I didn't question it as I wanted to spend time with him.

We arrived in front of my apartment building sooner than I thought. Oh god... I wanted to talk more to him. Should I invite him to come in? No, I can't be too creepy!

"Wanna hang out tomorrow?" He suddenly asked.

"Mhm- what? Oh yes, sure!" I said.

"Great, I will text you." He said.

"Yeah, sure. Sounds perfect. I will see you tomorrow then?" I said.

He nodded and started walking back. It wasn't long before I couldn't see him anymore... Time to be sad and depressed again I guess...

I plopped onto my bed just to see that the person I hate the most messaged me many times. CAN SHE LEAVE ME ALONE?? Oh by the way, I am talking about my cousin, Naeun. She is extremely clingy. I was so happy when she moved to the US. She ruined almost every single one of my friendships because she was too nosy and couldn't mind her own business. Okay, enough bitching about her.

I am back from the US


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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